Or, if the default data push job does not satisfy your needs, you may add a new data push job as follows:
Click the New Integration Job
button in the right panel.
In the Name field, type a unique name for the job.
Click the Add Query
button to add existing TQL queries to the job.
UCMDB creates a default data push job when creating the integration point for APM. The following table lists the Topology Query Language (TQL) queries in the default data push job. If required, you may create, update, or remove TQL queries for the push job. You may also need to update the mapping. See .
Note: To access these preconfigured TQL queries for push, navigate to Modelling > Modeling Studio > Resources, select Queries from the drop-down list for the Resource Type field and then navigate to Root > Integration > APM Push.
TQL Query |
Description |
APM Location Push |
Pushes Location CIs.
Mapping XML: pushMappingAPMLocation.xml
APM Process Push |
Pushes BusinessProcess CIs.
Mapping XML: pushMappingAPMProcess.xml
APM Process Relation Clear Push |
Clears old relations between processes in APM.
This TQL query synchronization must have been run BEFORE the 'APM Process Relation Push' TQL query synchronization.
Mapping XML: pushMappingAPMProcessRClear.xml
APM Process Relation Push |
Pushes relations between Processes (pushed by APM Process Push) to other business elements or to
BusinessProcess CIs must have been pushed before this TQL query synchronization in the ‘APM Process Push’ TQL query synchronization.
Mapping XML: pushMappingAPMProcessR.xml
APM Server Push |
Pushes Node CIs (Computers, Network Devices, etc.).
Mapping XML: pushMappingAPMServer.xml
APM Server Relation Clear Push |
Clears old relations between Servers in APM.
This TQL query synchronization must have been run BEFORE the 'APM Server Relation Push' TQL query synchronization.
Mapping XML: pushMappingAPMServerRClear.xml
APM Server Relation Push |
Pushes relations between Servers (pushed by APM Server Push) to other servers.
Node CIs must have been pushed before this TQL query synchronization in the ‘APM Server Push’ TQL query synchronization.
Mapping XML: pushMappingAPMServerR.xml
APM Application Push |
Pushes BusinessApplication CIs.
Location, BusinessProcess, and/or Node CIs must have been pushed before this TQL query synchronization.
Mapping XML: pushMappingAPMApplication.xml
APM Application Relation Clear Push |
Clears old relations (except for the downstream relations) between Applications in APM.
This TQL query synchronization must have been run BEFORE the 'APM Application Relation Push' TQL query synchronization.
Mapping XML: pushMappingAPMApplicationRClear.xml
APM Application Relation Push |
Pushes relations (except for the downstream relations) between Applications (pushed by APM Application Push) to other business elements or to
BusinessApplication CIs must have been pushed before this TQL query synchronization in the ‘APM Application Push’ TQL query synchronization.
Mapping XML: pushMappingAPMApplicationR.xml
APM Application Relation Clear Down Push |
Clears old downstream relations between Applications in APM.
This TQL query synchronization must have been run BEFORE the 'APM Application Relation Down Push' TQL query synchronization.
Mapping XML: pushMappingAPMApplicationDownRClear.xml
APM Application Relation Down Push |
Pushes downstream relations between Applications (pushed by APM Application Push) to other business elements or to
BusinessApplication CIs must have been pushed before this TQL query synchronization in the ‘APM Application Push’ TQL query synchronization.
Mapping XML: pushMappingAPMApplicationDownR.xml
Select the Allow Deletion option for each query.
This allows deletion of synchronized data in APM when data in UCMDB are deleted. Otherwise requests created in APM as a result of synchronization remain even when their original data in UCMDB are deleted.
- Click OK.
- Save the integration point.