Server parameters
Administrators can configure server parameters that determine how OpenText PPM works.
In this topic:
Administrators can set server parameters to control the behavior of different areas in OpenText PPM.
You can configure the server parameters from the following locations:
- In the server.conf file. For details, see Modify server configuration parameters.
- From the Administration Console. For details, see Configure server configuration parameters .
A single asterisk (*) in the Parameter column indicates that the parameter is required to set up a PPM server. Two asterisks (**) in this column indicates that the parameter is required based on the condition of another parameter.
The following table lists the available server parameters.
Parameter |
Details | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Determines the maximum number of resources that can be extracted from the database and returned in the Analyze Assignment Load portlet in Resource Management. This acts as a safety value to prevent OpenText PPM from hanging if a user defines portlet criteria that would return a very large volume of data. Values: Default: Valid values: Positive integer |
Maximum number of resources pools to be represented in the Analyze Assignment Load portlet in Resource Management. If the resource count exceeds the set value, the PPM Server stops calculating and displays no result in the portlet. Note: Setting a very high value for this parameter could affect system performance. Values: Default: Valid values: Any positive integer |
Set it to This will automatically adds single quotes outside the command description. Values: Default: Valid values: |
When set to Values: Default: Valid values: |
When you have run out of concurrent licenses, sessions that have been inactive longer than the specified number of minutes will be forcibly closed to release the concurrent licenses. The longest inactive session will be closed first. The value for this parameter must be smaller than the value specified in the KINTANA_SESSION_TIMEOUT parameter. Values: Default: Added in version: 10.0. |
If it is set to We recommend that you keep its value as Values: Default: Valid values: |
When it is set to This parameter only prevents time submitters from adding new milestones to their time sheets or to the My Items. For the milestone tasks that are in the Suggested Items or already added to My Items before disabling the parameter, time submitters can still log time on them. Values: Default: Valid values: |
If set to Default: Valid values: Introduced in version: 24.2 |
If set to You should flush the user menu cache after changing the parameter value to make sure the change takes effect on the related menus. Values: Default: Valid values: |
Values: Default: Valid values: |
Specifies the depth of roadmap hierarchy in the portfolio level. Values: Default: Valid values: Any value from 0 to the value specified by APM_ROADMAP_HIERARCHY_MAX_LEVEL |
Specifies the depth of roadmap hierarchy in the request level. Values: Default: Valid values: any value from o to the value specified by APM_ROADMAP_HIERARCHY_MAX_LEVEL |
Specifies the maximum depth of roadmap hierarchy in the request or portfolio level. Values: Default: Valid values: integer |
Alert text that displays on the application server logon page and headers. |
JBoss UIL2 Binding port. You must set a value for this parameter if the PPM Server is part of a server cluster. Values: Default: Valid values: If the PPM Server is part of a cluster, specify a value that is unique for the node. |
Maximum number of resource pools allowed when exporting data of the Analyze Resource Pools page. Values: Default: |
Maximum number of resource pools that can be represented in the Analyze Resource Pool portlet in Resource Management. If the resource pool count exceeds the set value, the PPM Server stops calculating and no result is displayed in the portlet. Note: Setting a very high value for this parameter could affect system performance. Values: Default: Valid values: positive integer |
Maximum number of resources that can be represented in the Analyze Resource Pool portlet in Resource Management. If the resource count exceeds the set value, the PPM Server stops calculating and no result is displayed in the portlet. Note: Setting a very high value for this parameter could affect system performance. Values: Default: Valid values: positive integer |
Maximum number of resource pools to be represented in the Analyze Resource Pool portlet in Resource Management. If the resource pool count exceeds the set value, the PPM Server stops calculating and displays no result in the portlet. Note: Setting a very high value for this parameter could degrade system performance. Values: Default: Valid values: any positive integer |
Specifies the batch size of time sheet lines for asset cost calculation. Values: Default: Valid values: positive integer |
Absolute pathname of the directory where attached documents are to be stored. This directory must:
In a server cluster, all servers must be able to access and share the specified directory. Example: C:/ppm/eon/attachment |
Specifies a column by which the attachments in the References section are sorted ascendingly. Parameter value is case-sensitive. If you left the parameter undefined, attachments are sorted ascendingly by the creation date. Valid values:
If set to Values: Default: Valid values: |
Method(s) used to authenticate users. To specify multiple modes, use a comma-delimited list of valid values. Values: Default: Valid values:
Determines whether the user must enter a filter in the auto-complete dialog box in order to retrieve the initial results for validations of type long. If set to Values: Default: Valid values: |
Maximum number of rows in long auto-complete lists. Values: Default: |
Sets query timeouts on auto-complete lists to prevent excessive database CPU use. Values: Default: |
Maximum number of rows to retrieve from the database for short type auto-completion lists. Values: Default: |
If it is true, when you import effort from agile systems to your time sheet, PPM automatically selects a project or task for the effort, adds the project or task in your time sheet, and transfers the agile effort to the project or task. If it is false, agile effort is imported to your time sheet as external data. You can manually transfer external data to a PPM work item. Values: Default: Valid values: |
Interval at which the command status is refreshed to provide a list of values in an auto-complete list. Values: Default: |
Specifies which file formats can be selected for the downloaded work plan files in the Project Settings > Project Scheduling Integration policy. The valid values include:
Separate multiple values with a comma. If you only specify one value for this parameter, the options to select the file format is not displayed in the Project Settings. The work plan file is downloaded in the specified format. If no value is specified for this parameter, the default value, MPP, is used. Values: Default: Valid values: Introduced in version: 2023. |
If ENABLE_BACKGROUND_SERVICE_MONITOR is enabled, this parameter determines the threshold value of the Background Services monitor. Values: Default: |
Points to the "logs" directory directly under the directory specified for *BASE_PATH. In a server cluster, all servers must be able to access and share the specified directory. Example: com.kintana.core.server.BASE_LOG_DIR=C:/PPM/eon/logs |
Full path to the directory where the PPM Server is installed. Values: Default: Based on the operating system platform. Example: C:/PPM/eon/ |
Web location (top directory name) of the PPM Server. If you want to specify a literal IPv6 address, make sure you enclose the literal address with " Note: We strongly recommend you specify DNS name instead of literal IPv6 address. Example: |
Used in the process of enabling the integration of OpenText PPM with Quality Center when OpenText PPM is set up with an external Web server with HTTPS enabled. For detailed information on how to use this parameter, see Solution integrations. Values: Default: Valid values:
Specifies whether or not the system continues executing the subsequent package lines when a package line fails. If you set this parameter to When a package line fails and its subsequent package lines pass, the status of this execution is still successful in PPM Workbench. However, you should note that even when the status is successful, it does not mean all the package lines are executed successfully in logical relationship to meet your business needs. We suggest that you exercise caution when setting this parameter to false, unless you are absolutely sure about the consequences. Values: Default: Valid: |
Used with the BUDGET_IN_WHOLE_DOLLARS parameter as follows:
Values: Default: Valid values: |
Determines whether forecast, approved funding, and financial summary values are expressed in whole dollars. Values: Default: Valid values: |
If set to true, prevents server checks at OpenText PPM startup. Caution: We strongly recommend that you leave this parameter set to Values: Default: Valid values: |
URL of the Release Control server and port number used for integration with OpenText PPM. For details about this parameter, see the Solution Integrations Guide Valid value format:
License key for Demand Management. Default: N/A |
Validity duration (in minutes) of the one-time token for reset password. Added in release: PPM 9.60 Values: Default: |
Flags whether or not the option Commit selected resources is checked in resource finder. The setting of this parameter is only meaningful when the ENABLE_COMMIT_RESOURCE_FINDER parameter is set to Values: Default: Valid values: |
Flags whether or not the option Distribute demand evenly to selected resources is checked in resource finder. The setting of this parameter is only meaningful when the ENABLE_DISTRIBUTE_RESOURCE_IN_RESOURCE_FINDER parameter is set to Values: Default: Valid values: |
Controls whether or not the option Hide past not-fulfilled resource requests is checked by default when users opens the resource pool page for the first time.
The next time you open the resource pool page, the option keeps the status (checked or cleared) as it was when you last left the page, regardless of the parameter value. Values: Default: Valid values: |
When set to true, when a request needs to be redirected, PPM checks the host header of the request. If the host header is not the same as the base URL, the request is rejected. Values: Default: Valid values: Introduced in version: 10.0.4 |
When set to true, PPM checks if JS files were modified every time before including them in a JSP page and recomputes the hash accordingly. Note: Setting this parameter to Values: Default: Valid values: |
Port on which the PPM Server listens to initiate RMI client/server communication via port forwarding. Must be a unique port, distinct from the Web server, SQL*Net, and the HTTP or HTTPS ports. Format: rmi://<Public_Server_IP_Address>:<Public_Server_Port>/KintanaServer Valid values: Example: rmi:// |
Frequency (in minutes) with which the PPM Workbench interface session sends a message to the PPM Server that indicates the client is still active. Under normal operation, do not change this value. Values: Default: |
Determines whether the client browser closes after the user quits the PPM Workbench. Values: Default: Valid values: |
Specifies ALM/Quality Center version for CMQC solution. Valid values: |
The value for INI:s4OF+cwwevEkcnJ9zWHwpE8ktxfl1pb5y8QoENFQLs8=
You can get the value from Quality Center/ALM server. The Valid value: string |
Used to extend the number of colors available in the cached copy of the ColorPalette.css file. |
The number of hours to wait after the last notifications defined in the CONC_LIC_USAGE_SEND_NOTIF_IF_STEAL_YOUNGER_THAN_IN_MIN, CONC_LIC_USAGE_SEND_NOTIF_WHEN_CONC_LOG_IN_REFUSED, CONC_LIC_USAGE_SEND_NOTIF_WHEN_STEALING_IDLE_SESSION, and CONC_LIC_USAGE_THRESHOLD_IN_PERCENT parameters were sent, before sending out the next notifications. It applies independently to each of the notifications. Default: Added in version: 10.0. |
Email addresses of the users to be notified when the concurrent license usage reaches the thresholds defined in the CONC_LIC_USAGE_SEND_NOTIF_IF_STEAL_YOUNGER_THAN_IN_MIN, CONC_LIC_USAGE_SEND_NOTIF_WHEN_CONC_LOG_IN_REFUSED, CONC_LIC_USAGE_SEND_NOTIF_WHEN_STEALING_IDLE_SESSION, and CONC_LIC_USAGE_THRESHOLD_IN_PERCENT parameters. Use colons or semicolons to separate multiple email addresses. Example: Added in version: 10.0. |
When sessions that have been inactive less than the number of minutes defined in this parameter are forcibly closed to release concurrent licenses, a notification will be sent to email addresses defined in the CONC_LIC_USAGE_NOTIF_RECIPIENTS parameter. A valid value for this parameter should be greater than the value of the ALLOW_CONCURRENT_LICENSE_STEAL_AFTER_IDLE_DELAY_IN_MINUTES parameter, and smaller than the value of the *KINTANA_SESSION_TIMEOUT parameter. Default: Introduced in version: 10.0. |
When set to Valid values: Introduced in version: 10.0. |
When set to Valid values: Introduced in version: 10.0. |
When the concurrent license usage reaches the specified percentage, an email notification will be sent to the email addresses defined in the CONC_LIC_USAGE_NOTIF_RECIPIENTS parameter. If the value is empty or <=0, this function is disabled. Any value greater than 100 is considered 100. Example: Introduced in version: 10.0. |
Transfer protocol used to transfer concurrent request logs and patching README files. If you use Object Migrator with OpenText PPM, you must specify a value. When only the protocol "SCP2JSch" enables retrieving AOL logs from the EBS server, the parameter should be set to "SCP2JSch". Values: Default: Valid values: FTP, SCP, SCP2JSch |
Encrypted password of the concurrent request user. If you use Object Migrator with OpenText PPM, you must specify a value. Note: You must use Values: Default: N/A Valid values: Encrypted password in the format |
Valid user on the Oracle system that can be used to retrieve concurrent request output files. If you use Object Migrator with OpenText PPM, you must specify value. Set the retrieval method (FTP or SCP). See the CONC_LOG_TRANSFER_PROTOCOL parameter. Example: |
Defines the value of the Content-Security-Policy HTTP Header that is sent along with every PPM page. %TRUSTED_EXTERNAL_URLS% is a placeholder, it is inserted with the value of the TRUSTED_EXTERNAL_URLS server parameter. We recommend you use the TRUSTED_EXTERNAL_URLS parameter to specify the URLs that are allowed by the Content-Security-Policy HTTP Header. Default: default-src blob: 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval' %TRUSTED_EXTERNAL_URLS%;img-src 'self' data: %TRUSTED_EXTERNAL_URLS%;font-src 'self' data: Introduced in version: 10.0.3. |
If it is set to When the COPY_REQUEST_SHOW_COPY_AGILE parameter is set to The setting of this parameter is meaningful only when the request has the Agile Integration Info field group enabled. Introduced in version: 10.0.2. |
If it is set to When the COPY_REQUEST_SHOW_COPY_NOTES parameter is set to Valid values: Introduced in version: 10.0.2. |
If it is set to When the COPY_REQUEST_SHOW_COPY_REFERENCES parameter is set to Valid values: Introduced in version: 10.0.2. |
When it is set to When you set this parameter to The setting of this parameter is meaningful only when the request has the Agile Integration Info field group enabled. Valid values: Introduced in version: 10.0.2. |
When it is set to When you set this parameter to Valid values: Introduced in version: 10.0.2. |
When it is set to When you set this parameter to Valid values: Introduced in version: 10.0.2. |
Flag to enable cost capitalization globally. You can enable this parameter only in the Note: We strongly recommend that you not change the value of this parameter after PPM has been put into use. Values: Default: Valid values: |
Batch size of rows for the Cost Rollup Service to process. Default: |
Batch size for the Cost Rate Rule Update Service to process. Default: |
Enables customization of the text displayed in the PPM Workbench title bar. For example, com.kintanas.core.server.CUSTOM_SERVER_INFO=Welcome to PPM Workbench Values: Default: N/A Valid value: Text string |
List of custom WAR files that should be deployed in PPM. The corresponding WAR files should exist in the PPM_HOME/server/_common/deploy directory. With this parameter, the WAR files will be automatically inserted as contexts in the Example: ppm-sample-custom-war Introduced in version: 10.0. |
When set to true, when a request received by PPM dashboard pages needs to be redirected, PPM checks the host header of the request. If the host header is not the same as the base URL, the request is rejected. Values: Default: Valid values: Introduced in version: 10.0.4 |
dashboard.Page-Filters-Usage |
Whether or not to enable dashboard page filters. Note: This parameter was removed in PPM 9.61. To enable dashboard page filters in PPM 9.61 or later versions, turn on the Dashboard Page Filters for Builder Portlets feature toggle. |
Interval at which the PPM Server is to check to determine whether date-based notifications are pending, and to send them. Default: |
Number of days applet keys are retained in the KNTA_APPLET_KEYS table. Default: |
Number of days records are kept in the prepared commands tables before they are cleaned up. Default: |
Number of days to keep records of all interfaces. Default: |
Number of days to keep records of all logon attempts. Note:OpenText PPM keeps a record of the most recent logon attempt, regardless of when it occurred. So, for example, if the sole user only logs on once a month, OpenText PPM retains the record of the last logon, even if DAYS_TO_KEEP_LOGON_ATTEMPT_ROWS is set to 14 days. Default: |
Number of days to keep records of all user sessions. Default: |
**DB_CONNECTION_STRING (Required if RAC is used) |
Oracle RAC (Real Application Clusters) service name. Example: |
Amount of time that the PPM Server is to continue to try to log on to the database (acquire the JDBC connections that make up the connection pool) before reporting that the database is unavailable. Default: |
Password for the database schema that contains the OpenText PPM tables. Note: You must use Example: |
Specifies database pool deadlock check interval. Default: 10 |
Specifies database reconnection check interval. Default: 240 |
May have been replaced by ENABLE_DB_SESSION_TRACKING. Valid values: |
Name of the database schema that contains the OpenText PPM tables. Example: |
Specify the UI path for the web service requests that are enabled for logging. Multiple values are separated by semicolons. Example:
Number of seconds the PPM Server can try to run commands before it times out. Default: |
Specifies the default value of expense type for staffing profile positions when costs are capitalized. Note: If the Expense Type field is not editable (because SOP 98-1 is not enabled on the parent entity of the staffing profile), Capex is still the default value regardless of how the parameter is set. Values: Default value: Valid values: |
When the feature of locking forecast and actual costs of the past months is enabled, this parameter specifies the default starting day of each month after which users cannot edit the forecast or actual cost of the previous month. If you set it to 1, it mean editing forecast or actual cost of the past months is not allowed. If you set it to a value greater than the days of a current month, it means editing forecast or actual cost of the past months is always allowed in the current month. Values: Default value: 1 Valid values: 1-31 |
Number of work plan lines that can be loaded into the Work Plan page for all new users. This setting indicates whether to use the fast setting or the slow setting (rather than indicating a specific size). In new installations, this defaults to the slow connection setting. We recommend that the system administrator review this setting after installation. If your system has mostly LAN users (fast connections), set this to use the fast setting. If your system has mostly WAN/VPN users (slow connections) or mixed usage, set this to use the slower setting. Default: |
Specifies the default editable view (Gantt view or Table view) in Staffing Profile New UI. If you do not specify the parameter value, the default editable view is Gantt view. Values: Default value: Valid values: |
Initial type of page size (low, high, or custom) selected for the Edit My Profile page. Values: Default: Valid values: |
Affects the Sort By field on the Search Requests page. The default value is Values: Default: Valid values: |
Determines whether the time sheet items in Time Management are grouped under appropriate headings, or displayed in a flat list without headings. For detailed information about grouped and ungrouped display of time sheet items, see the Time Management User Guide. Values: Default: Valid values: |
When a PPM user is disabled for the specified number of days, PPM deletes the reports scheduled by that user. This parameter works only if the SKIP_SCHEDULED_REPORT_WHEN_SUBMITTER_DISABLED parameter is set to true. Valid values: integer Introduced in version: 10.0.4. |
Specifies the size of the demand set fields cache in number of demand set. Default: |
Timeout for the demand set fields cache, expressed in seconds. Default: |
Deployment destination. Note: We recommend that you leave the default value unless the PPM Server directory is renamed. Default: |
Controls whether or not date cells earlier than a resource's start date are disabled in the time sheet.
The parameter does not work for the My Tasks portlet or REST APIs, where users can still log time on dates before your start date. Values: Default: Valid values: |
DISPLAY_ICONFONT_AS_IMG | When it is set to true, icon fonts in PPM web pages are displayed as images. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Specifies which control modes can be selected for the project scheduling integration policy in the Project Settings. The valid values include:
Separate multiple values with a comma. If no value is specified for this parameter, all the control modes are available for selection. Introduced in version: 2023. |
Used in release distribution. Number of milliseconds the monitor waits between checking existing result listener. Use this parameter to adjust the amount of time the monitor sleeps between checks. Note: We recommend that you not change this value. It does not affect performance. Default: |
To enable the database fulltext search feature in document management for OpenText PPM, set this parameter to Note: You must create and build database indexes in advance. For details, see the Document Management Guide and Reference. Values: Default: Valid values: |
Determines the number of characters shown in the References section for the names of files attached to OpenText PPM entities. Values: Default: Valid values: Positive integer |
Specifies maximum number of matching items before applying filters from other search criteria, such as creation date or "Closed" status. You may need to increase this value if too many filename matching items are filtered out by very selective search criteria. Values: Default: Valid values: integer |
Defines the file extensions that you think insecure and cannot be uploaded to OpenText PPM. Default:
Flags whether or not to prevent uploading files of the extensions defined in the DMS_INSECURE_FILE_EXTENSIONS parameter. If you set this parameter to Values: Default: Valid values: |
Defines a list of comma-separated file extensions that are allowed to be uploaded to PPM. If defined, it has priority over the following parameters:
Note: This parameter was added in PPM 9.62 to replace the parameter DMS_SECURE_FILE_EXTENSIONS_WHITE_LIST. You need to configure the values for the new parameter. Default:
Defines a list of comma-separated file extensions that are allowed to be uploaded to PPM. If defined, it has priority over the following parameters:
Note: This parameter was removed in PPM 9.62. Use the parameter DMS_SECURE_FILE_EXTENSIONS_ALLOW_LIST instead. Default:
Flags whether or not to display the document download links. If you set this parameter to Values: Default: Valid values: |
Determines the duration (in seconds) that a thread will wait between two documents to migrate. To lighten the load of the migration process on the PPM Server, increase the value of this parameter. Values: Default: Valid values: positive integer |
Determines the number of documents to be queued for migration on a given PPM Service node. Every time the DMS Migration Engine Service runs on a Service node, the queue of documents to be migrated is filled up. Values: Default: Valid values: Positive integer |
Specifies number of threads that will be migrating documents on a given PPM Service node. Values: Default: Valid values: integer |
The vertical size (in pixels) of the time sheet table before the vertical scroll bar appears in the table. For example, if you set it to Values: Default value: Valid values: positive integer |
Email address of the default sender of email notifications. This sender receives any error messages associated with email notifications. Example
Charset of the reset password email template. If you customize your reset password email messages, make sure the charset of the customized filed is the same as the template. Otherwise the message will not be displayed properly. Default: Introduced in release: PPM 9.60 |
When you enter a valid folder path for this parameter, all email notifications are saved as files in this folder instead of being sent. This parameter is intended for debugging purpose only. Do not use in production as it will prevent all email notifications from being sent. In addition, for this parameter to work, ensure that the SMTP_SERVER and EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_SENDER parameters are set and the Notification service is enabled. Example: Introduced in version: 2023. |
If you set it to If you set it to Values: Default: Valid values: |
If you set this parameter to Default: |
If you set this parameter to If you set this parameter to If you enable the AntiSamy feature and still want your end users to access to specific hyperlinks, you can configure the the Values: Default: Valid values: |
When it is set to true, the financial summary setting "Calculate the forecasted labor costs from the staffing profile (all labor costs are set to operating)." for new assets is enabled by default. Note:
Values: Default: Valid values: |
When it is set to true, the financial summary setting "Calculate the actual labor costs from time logged against the asset (all labor costs are set to operating)." for new assets is enabled by default. Note:
Values: Default: Valid values: |
When it is set to true, the financial summary setting "The asset tracks capital non-labor costs." for new assets is enabled by default. Note:
Values: Default: Valid values: |
If set to Values: Default: Valid values: |
Menus for creating and managing business objectives will only show up if this parameter is set to true. If you set it to false, you may also want to hide the Business Objective field in all PFM request types. You should flush the usermenu cache after changing the parameter value to make sure the change takes effect on the related menus. Values: Default: Valid values: |
Flags whether or not the option Commit selected resources is available in the resource finder. This option is used to commit assigned resources. Values: Default: Valid values: |
Flags whether or not to enable logging the content of web service requests and responses for the purpose of troubleshooting. Values: Default: Valid values: |
Flags whether or not the option Distribute demand evenly to selected resources is available in the resource finder. This option is used to distribute demand evenly to selected resources after they are assigned. Values: Default: Valid values: |
Flags whether PPM server retrieves log/output files from Oracle E-Business Suite server or not. With the Oracle Apps (the extension for Oracle E-Business Suite) and the extension for Oracle Technology deployed on PPM Server, you may encounter performance issue with PPM server retrieving log/output files from Oracle EBS server. For better performance, you can add this parameter into the Values: Default: Valid values: |
Controls whether to print debugging messages when transferring concurrent Request logs. If you want to troubleshoot the concurrent request logs retrieval from Oracle EBS server to PPM server, set both ENABLE_CONC_FILES_RETRIEVAL_DEBUG and ENABLE_SCP_CLIENT_DEBUG to Even when the two parameters are Values: Default: Valid values: |
When it is set to true, you can import tasks from Excel by downloading work plan as Excel, editing tasks in the Excel file, and then uploading the Excel file to PPM. Values: Default: Valid values: |
Set this parameter to Values: Default: Valid values: Introduced in version: 24.4 |
This parameter was replaced by the ENABLE_NAVIGATOR parameter in 24.4. Values: Default: Valid values: Introduced in version: 24.2 |
Controls whether to print debugging messages for SCP command. If you want to troubleshoot the concurrent request logs retrieval from Oracle EBS server to PPM server, set both ENABLE_CONC_FILES_RETRIEVAL_DEBUG and ENABLE_SCP_CLIENT_DEBUG to Even when the two parameters are Values: Default: Valid values: |
Related to requests in Demand Management. If set to Values: Default: Valid values: |
The Connection Correlation page is intended for use by Software Support for troubleshooting and is disabled by default in a production environment. If the page is enabled, you access it by selecting Open > Administration > View connection correlation from the PPM Dashboard. To enable the Open > Administration > View connection correlation menu item and the Connection Correlation page, add the ENABLE_CONNECTION_CORRELATION parameter to the You should flush the usermenu cache after changing the parameter value to make sure the change takes effect on the related menus. Values: Default: Valid values: |
If set to Values: Default: Valid values: |
Add this parameter to the Note: If this parameter is not present in the Values: Default: Valid values: |
If you set this parameter to Note: In MLU environment, a window
pops up for you to select the session
language before you click Sign-in. If you set the parameter to Values: Default: Valid values: |
Enables JDBC logging, which records SQL runs against the database, the time required to run the SQL, and the time to retrieve the results. This information is recorded in jdbc.System_Name.log in the server log directory. This parameter is useful in debugging system performance problems. You can set this parameter in the PPM Workbench interface without stopping the system (Edit > Settings). Values: Default: Valid values: |
If set to Remember my logon sets a cookie on the local machine that lets a user log on to OpenText PPM later, without providing logon information. You can also view reports through notification links, and so on, without logging on. This cookie is removed only if the user clicks Sign Out (or clears cookies, or the cookie expires). If a user closes the browser window without signing off, the cookie is not cleared. To disable this function, change the parameter value to Note: If OpenText PPM is integrated with an SSO provider such as SiteMinder, then set this parameter to false. If OpenText PPM is not integrated with an SSO provider, we recommend that you keep the parameter set to true. Values: Default: Valid values: |
Specify the reference codes of services. If these services are run successfully, PPM will record the success logs for them. Reference codes are separated by semicolon. For example:
If added to the Values: Default: N/A Valid values: |
(For integration of OpenText PPM Tasks with Service Manager RFCs only) If LW-SSO authentication is enabled, add this parameter to the Values: Default: N/A Valid values: |
If set to Values: Default: Valid values: This parameter was deprecated in version 10.0.1. |
When this parameter is set to true, users accessing PPM with a mobile device will be sent to the legacy mobile UI. When it is set to false, they will be sent to the new mobile UI. Refer to PPM documentation for more information about differences between the legacy and new mobile UIs.If you change the parameter value, you should run Values: Default: Valid values: |
Provided for backward compatibility if you have customized "overview pages". If you do not have customized "overview pages", leave the default value ( Values: Default: Valid values: |
If set to Values: Default: Valid values: |
If set to Values: Default: Valid values: |
If set to Values: Default: Valid values: |
Setting this parameter to
Disabling this parameter helps save time and memory in the above actions. Values: Default: Valid values: |
When you set it to When you set it to Values: Default: Valid values: |
If set to Values: Default: Valid values: |
When it is set to true, the financial summary setting "Calculate the forecasted labor costs from the staffing profile." for new proposals is enabled by default. Note:
Values: Default: Valid values: |
When it is set to true, the financial summary setting "Calculate the actual labor costs from time logged against the proposal request." for new proposals is enabled by default. Note: This parameter does not work for proposals that are saved as draft or created via then user interface table. Values: Default: Valid values: |
When it is set to true, the financial summary setting "The proposal is for a project that tracks capital costs." for new proposals is enabled by default. Note: This parameter does not work for proposals that are saved as draft or created via then user interface table. Values: Default: Valid values: |
(For integrating with Quality Center version 10.00 only) If no XML mapping file has been generated and deployed to both OpenText PPM and Quality Center, set this value to For details about this parameter, see the Solution Integrations Guide Values: Default: Valid values: |
If set to Values: Default: Valid values: |
Controls the visibility of the Update button on the Quick List. Values: Default: Valid values: |
If its is true, you can export a request to PDF by clicking More > PDF in the request details page. Values: Default: Valid values: |
To enable a restriction on the number of projects returned on project searches, set this parameter to To specify the maximum number of projects returned on project searches, set the MAX_RESULTS_ALLOWED_ON_PROJ_SEARCH parameter. Values: Default: Valid values: |
If set to Values: Default: Valid values: |
If set to Values: Default: Valid values: |
If set to Values: Default: Valid values: |
If set to PPM suggests that you do not change it to
Values: Default: Valid values: |
Determines whether performance statistics for all SQL statements run are placed into a trace file. The SQL trace facility generates the following statistics for each SQL statement:
This parameter corresponds to the Enable DB Trace Mode checkbox in the Server Settings dialog box. Values: Default: Valid values: |
Enables flag for the SSL Login page. If set to
Values: Default: Valid values: |
Flags whether or not Staffing Profile Legacy UI is enabled so that you can switch staffing profile page between New UI and Legacy UI. Values: Default: Valid values: |
Menus, request details section, portfolio Strategy tab, and portfolio type Strategy section for managing strategic themes will show up only if the parameter is set to You should flush the usermenu cache after changing the parameter value to make sure the change takes effect on the related menus. Values: Default: Valid values: |
If set to Note: Including the timestamp adds text to each logged statement, which bloats the log file and can make it more difficult to read. Values: Default: Valid values: |
Default setting used by time sheet policies to specify what occurs when users try to submit time sheets that contain empty lines (lines in which all values are 0). Time sheet policies have options that correspond to these settings. For the users assigned to a time sheet policy, the policy can override the default value set for this parameter. Following are the parameter settings and descriptions of their effects if the user's time sheet policy does not override the selected setting:
For more information about time sheet policies, see the Time Management Configuration Guide. Values: Default:
Valid values: |
If set to Values: Default: Valid values: Introduced in version: 2023.3 |
If set to For information about the Work Items tab, see the Time Management Configuration Guide. Values: Default: Valid values: |
If set to
Values: Default: Valid values: |
If set to For information about the Work Items tab, see the Time Management Configuration Guide. Values: Default: Valid values: |
If set to For information about the Work Items tab, see the Time Management Configuration Guide. |
If set to For information about the Work Items tab, see the Time Management Configuration Guide. Values: Default: Valid values: |
If set to For information about the Work Items tab, see the Time Management Configuration Guide. Values: Default: Valid values: |
If set to Values: Default: Valid values: |
If set to Values: Default: Valid values: |
If set to Note: If this is enabled on a busy system, Web access logging can generate many log files in Values: Default: Valid values: |
Enables the OpenText PPM Web services interface. Values: Default: Valid values: |
If set to For information about the Work Items tab, see the Time Management Configuration Guide. Values: Default: Valid values: |
If set to Values: Default: Valid values: |
If set to true, PPM Workbench communicates with PPM Server via HTTP(S). If set to false, PPM Workbench communicates with PPM Server via RMI(S). Values: Default: Valid values: |
If it is set to true, when creating a work plan from a template, you can select which tasks in the template are imported to the work plan. Values: Default: Valid values: |
When set to true, any menu.xml external links to a domain not listed in parameter MENU_EXTERNAL_URLS_ALLOWLIST will be blocked. Values: Default: Valid values: Introduced in release: 9.62 |
When it is set to true, any mobile_menu.xml external links to a domain not listed in parameter MENU_EXTERNAL_URLS_ALLOWLIST will be blocked. Values: Default: Valid values: Introduced in release: 9.62 |
When it is set to true, when creating a resource pool or a team, you must associated it with a primary organization unit. Resource pools and teams cannot be freestanding. Values: Default: Valid values: Introduced in version: 2023.3. |
If OpenText PPM's Operational Reporting solution is implemented, this determines the end date for the OpenText PPM data to extract, transform, and load into the Operational Reporting database schema. Values: Default: N/A Valid values: Calendar date in the format |
If OpenText PPM's Operational Reporting solution is implemented, this determines the start date for the OpenText PPM data to extract, transform, and load into the Operational Reporting database schema. Values: Default: N/A Valid values: Calendar date in the format |
If set to Values: Default: Valid values: |
Specifies the maximum number of positions that can be exported to Excel on the Forecast Planning page. Default: |
Specifies the maximum number of resources that can be exported to Excel on the Search Resources page. Default: |
Determines the level of detail to include in internal error exceptions displayed in OpenText PPM. The exception message is included in server logs. This parameter uses a bitwise value combination, as follows:
A value of 7 includes all levels of detail. for the error. Values: Default: Valid Values: Integer using bitwise value combination (includes correlation information and server node name) |
You can use this parameter to specify the thread number of the Exception Rule Service. Values: Default: Valid values: Positive integer |
Determines the time at which the daily exception engine full calculation runs. A full calculation is needed for exceptions that occur as time elapses. The default value of 1 (1:00 AM) specifies that the daily exception calculation is performed once every day at 1:00 AM. Values: Default: Valid Values: Integer between 1 and 24 |
Number of days non-service OpenText PPM exceptions are to be retained. Also see the LOG_EXCEPTIONS_TO_DB parameter. Values: Default: |
EXTERNAL_WEB_ADDRESS | If you are using an external web server that serves PPM clients and the web server uses the AJP protocol to connect the PPM server, you can use this parameter to specify the IP or host of the machine where PPM is installed. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
**EXTERNAL_WEB_PORT Required if a value is specified for EXTERNAL_WEB_PROTOCOL |
If you are using an external Web server to serve OpenText PPM clients, you must configure this parameter as an available port that can communicate with the PPM Server. This parameter works together with the EXTERNAL_WEB_PROTOCOL parameter to specify the external web server that is used to connect the PPM server. For example, if the external web server connects PPM via http protocol, set EXTERNAL_WEB_PROTOCOL to HTTP, and use EXTERNAL_WEB_PORT to specify the port number. Note: If you are using an external Web server, you must still configure the standard OpenText PPM*HTTP_PORT. This port is used internally by OpenText PPM reports. There is no need to make it accessible to the network. Valid value: Any available port number |
**EXTERNAL_WEB_PROTOCOL Required if a value is specified for EXTERNAL_WEB_PORT |
If you are using an external Web server to serve PPM clients, use this parameter to specify the protocol with which the Web server connects PPM server. This parameter works together with the EXTERNAL_WEB_PORT parameter to specify the external web server that is used to connect the PPM server. For example, if the Web server connects PPM via http protocol, set EXTERNAL_WEB_PROTOCOL to HTTP, and use EXTERNAL_WEB_PORT to specify the port number. Values: Default: Valid values: |
If the PPM Server stops while command executions are running, those executions are interrupted and the parent entities (package lines, releases, requests, and so on) are assigned the status "in progress". This parameter tells the server that, after it starts, it must check for any entities that have "in progress" status and that have no executions running (that is, executions that were interrupted). The server sets the internal status of those entities to FAILED, with a visible status of "Failed (Interrupted)". Values: Default: Valid values: |
Specifies the precedence of regions that PPM uses to pick up the cost rule when calculating the forecast labor cost of a position's unmet demand. You can specify all or any subset of the following values for this parameter:
If no value is specified, or the region is not defined for the specified values, PPM uses the region of the staffing profile. Use commas (,) to separate multiple values. For example, if you set the parameter value to "resource_pool,preferred_resource,position,staffing_profile", PPM uses the region of the resource pool specified for the position for the cost factor "Region" when calculating the forecast cost of the position's unmet demand. If the region is not defined for the resource pool, PPM uses the region of the first specified resource requested by the position, and so on. Valid values: Introduced in version: 10.0.3. |
When this parameter is set to Values: Default: Valid values: Introduced in version: 10.0.2. |
Customizes the label of the checkbox that decides whether or not the Financial Costs datasource of Self-Service portlet includes a project's related projects. Values: Default: N/A Valid value: Text string Introduced in version: 9.65. |
Maximum number of financial lines in a financial summary that can be viewed on the web page. If the number is exceeded, to view them, you have to edit them or export data to Excel. Default: |
Maximum time (in minutes) for which PPM keeps alive for an idle user editing financial summary. Default: |
Controls whether or not PPM automatically focuses the cursor on the first editable field in the request details page. If a request is read-only, PPM does not focus on the first editable field, regardless of the parameter value. Values: Default: Valid values: |
Specifies a font size for displaying larger or smaller characters in workflow layout images. Default: |
Number of staffing profile positions displayed on a Forecast Planning page in Resource Management. Default: |
Initial number of concurrent instances of the Financial Summary background service. Values: Default: Valid values: Non-negative integer |
Maximum number of concurrent instances of the Financial Summary background service. Values: Default: Valid values: Non-negative integer |
Specifies the team heatmap colors for all the teams in the system, including utilization colors and percentage fulfillment colors. The parameter value should be in the JSON format. Default value of this parameter is as follows. The "color" element only supports "RED", "YELLOW", and "GREEN", and it is case-sensitive. If you set the parameter to an invalid value, the system resets the parameter to its default value. { "utilizationColor":[ { "color":"RED", "min":"100", "max":"" }, { "color":"YELLOW", "min":"0", "max":"80" }, { "color":"GREEN", "min":"80", "max":"100" } ], "fulfilledColor":[ { "color":"RED", "min":100", "max":"" }, { "color":"YELLOW", "min":"0", "max":"80" }, { "color":"GREEN", "min":"80", "max":"100" } ] } |
Specifies the overload ratio colors for all the teams in the system. The parameter value should be in the JSON format. Default value of this parameter is as follows. The "color" element only supports "RED", "YELLOW", and "GREEN", and it is case-sensitive. If you set the parameter to an invalid value, the system resets the parameter to its default value. { "overloadRatioColor":[ { "color":"RED", "min":"100", "max":"" }, { "color":"YELLOW", "min":"0", "max":"80" }, { "color":"GREEN", "min":"80", "max":"100" } ] } Introduced in version: 10.0.3 |
If set to Values: Default: Valid values: |
If set to Values: Default: Valid values: |
Determines whether HTTP responses are compressed before they are sent to OpenText PPM HTML clients. If set to By default, this is set to If all OpenText PPM clients have fast network access to the PPM Server, then consider setting this parameter to Caution: There is a known issue related to GZIP compression in the Oracle Java Virtual Machine . For details, see and If you see GZIP exceptions in the server log, you should set this parameter to Values: Default: Valid values: |
Number of listeners per node to execute heavy background services. Values: Default: 1 Valid values: Positive integer |
Maximum number of listeners per node to execute heavy background services. Values: Default: 1 Valid values: positive integer |
Maximum depth of the heavy services queue. Values: Default: Valid values: Positive integer |
Delay between redeliveries of messages to the heavy service queue. Values: Default: Valid values: positive integer |
Number of times messages are to be redelivered to the heavy service queue. Values: Default: Valid values: positive integer |
This parameter is used to hide or display the Cost tab in the Project Overview page. Setting it to true, you hide the Cost tab. Otherwise, the tab is shown. Values: Default: Valid values: |
Controls whether the Reset Overview Layout button is displayed on the Project Overview Layout page. Values: Default: Valid values: Introduced in version: 10.0.3 |
Controls whether the Add Portlets to All Projects button is displayed on the Project Overview Layout page. Values: Default: Valid values: Introduced in version: 10.0.3. |
Controls whether the Reset Overview Layout for Existing Projects button is displayed on the Project Overview Layout page. Values: Default: Valid values: Introduced in version: 10.0.3. |
Controls whether the Reset Overview Layout button is displayed on the Project Overview Layout page. Values: Default: Valid values: Introduced in version: 10.0.3 |
This parameter is used to hide a section in a request details page when all the fields in this section become invisible by UI rules. Setting it to true, you hide the section. Otherwise, the section is shown. Values: Default: Valid values: Added in version: 10.0. |
This parameter is used to hide or display the Staffing tab in the Project Overview page. Setting it to true, you hide the Staffing tab. Otherwise, the tab is shown. Values: Default: Valid values: |
Recommended number of work plan lines to load into the Work Plan page if the user is connected through a fast connection such as a LAN. Values: Default: Valid values: positive integer |
If set to Values: Default: Valid values: |
Number of links to display in the History menu in the OpenText PPM standard interface. Values: Default: Valid values: positive integer |
Number of hours to keep rows in the KNTA_DEBUG_MESSAGES table. For high-volume OpenText PPM installations, a large number of rows may be generated in this table. For such installations, decrease this value accordingly. Values: Default: Valid values: positive integer |
Port to use to communicate with the built-in HTTP server. If OpenText PPM is in stand-alone mode (that is, it is not integrated with an external Web server), then OpenText PPM clients must have access to the HTTP_PORT. If OpenText PPM is integrated with an external Web server, then client HTTP traffic is routed through the EXTERNAL_WEB_PORT Note: If you are integrating OpenText PPM with Application Lifecycle Management, then you must set the parameter to a number less than 32767. Values: Default: Valid values: Unique port greater than 1024 and distinct from the Web server, SQL*Net, and RMI ports. |
URL of the HTTP proxy server used for OpenText PPM to connect to the Internet. It can be used by integration solutions or other OpenText PPM functionality. |
Specifies the ciphers for the SSL/ TLS protocol with which the PPM Server negotiates. This parameter accepts a comma-separated list of ciphers that the server is to allow for SSL/TLS connections. You can use the parameter to limit the cipher suite to a set of specific strong ciphers. Values: Default: N/A Valid values: comma-separated list of ciphers |
Keystore password (encrypted). This setting is required if the ENABLE_SSL_LOGIN parameter is set to You must use Values: Default: N/A Valid values: Encrypted password in the format |
Full path location of the keystore. This parameter setting is required if the ENABLE_SSL_LOGIN parameter is set to Values: Default: N/A Valid values: N/A |
HTTPS port to use for SSL Login. This parameter setting is required if the ENABLE_SSL_LOGIN parameter is set to Default: |
Specifies the HTTPS protocol (TLS) the PPM Server uses. Note: Starting from version 9.31, SSLv3 as the HTTPS protocol is disabled in order to enhance security. Values: Default: Valid values: |
Specifies the HTTPS protocols in details. Default: |
Maximum number of HTTPS threads. This parameter setting is required if the ENABLE_SSL_LOGIN parameter is set to Values: Default: Valid values: positive integer |
Minimum number of HTTPS threads. This parameter setting is required if the ENABLE_SSL_LOGIN parameter is set to Values: Default: Valid values: positive integer |
If you set this parameter to If you set this parameter to Values: Default: Valid values: |
When the position's daily unmet demand is smaller than the threshold, its unmet demand is ignored and the position is regarded as fulfilled. When the unmet demand is negative (over-allocation), PPM compares its absolute value with the threshold. Default:
When you add a resource as the requested resource of a position, PPM automatically fills the position's attributes based on the resource details. If the resource have allocations in different resource pools in different time periods, PPM by default lists all these resource pools for you to select one for the position. Now, if this parameter is set to Values: Default: Valid values: |
Caret position on input fields (for example, text fields). If unspecified, the system uses the value specified for I18N_SECTION_DIRECTION Values: Default: Valid values: |
Character encoding to be used on all HTML pages in the OpenText PPM standard interface. Default: |
Default layout direction of HTML pages in the OpenText PPM standard interface. Values: Default: Valid values: |
HTML character set used to generate PL/SQL reports. Must map to the character set specified for I18N_REPORTS_ENCODING Values: Default: Valid values: any character set names that Oracle recognizes |
Character encoding to use to generate reports in OpenText PPM. We recommend Values: Default: Valid values: any encoding algorithm that Oracle can interpret. |
Layout direction of custom sections (for example, request detail sections). If unspecified, the system uses the value specified for I18N_LAYOUT_DIRECTION. Values: Default: Valid values: |
If you have enabled the attachment of Universal CMDB Impact Analysis Reports for CIs in PDF format to requests in OpenText PPM, use this parameter to specify the default category value for impact analysis reports, for example, change or operation. For details, see the Demand Management Configuration Guide. Values: Default: N/A Valid values: |
If you have enabled the attachment of Universal CMDB Impact Analysis Reports for CIs in PDF format to requests in OpenText PPM, use this parameter to set the default language code. For details, see the Demand Management Configuration Guide. Values: Default: N/A
Valid values: |
Specifies a name for the UCMDB impact analysis report. Default: |
If you have enabled the attachment of Universal CMDB Impact Analysis Reports for CIs in PDF format to requests in OpenText PPM, use this parameter to set the default severity value for the impact analysis report. For details, see the Demand Management Configuration Guide. Values: Default: N/A Valid values: |
Language and country code of the OpenText PPM installation. The language code must match the OpenText PPM installation language. Values: Default: Valid values: OpenText PPM installation language code |
Specifies the batch size of projects, programs, and portfolios when:
Note: This parameter is introduced in version 24.4 and replaces the PROJECT_TYPE_DASHBOARDS_BATCH_SIZE parameter. Values: Default: Valid values: Positive integer |
JRE classes location. Example:
Class ID for the Java plugin used for the PPM Workbench. The value of this parameter is automatically set to CAFEEFAC-0018-0000-FFFF-ABCDEFFEDCBA if the value of the parameter WORKBENCH_PLUGIN_VERSION is JRE 8. Default:
Web location for downloading the cross-platform Java plug-in bundle for Internet Explorer browsers. Note: If the parameter WORKBENCH_PLUGIN_VERSION has a value, but you do not want the JRE packages to be automatically downloaded, you can set the value of this parameter to If the value of the parameter WORKBENCH_PLUGIN_VERSION is JRE 8, the values of this parameter is empty because Oracle does not provide address for automatically downloading JRE 8. Default:
Web location for downloading the cross-platform Java plug-in installer for Netscape browsers. The value of this parameter is automatically set to if the value of the parameter WORKBENCH_PLUGIN_VERSION is JRE 8. Example:
Earliest version of the Sun Java plug-in used to start the PPM Workbench. Default: |
Web location for downloading the cross-platform Java plug-in installer for Firefox and Chrome browsers. Note: If the parameter WORKBENCH_PLUGIN_VERSION has a value, but you do not want the JRE packages to be automatically downloaded, you can set the value of this parameter to If the value of the parameter WORKBENCH_PLUGIN_VERSION is JRE 8, the values of this parameter is empty because Oracle does not provide address for automatically downloading JRE 8. Example:
Enables debugging of the Java database calls. Values: Default: Valid values: |
*JDBC_URL Note: For Oracle RAC (Real Application Clusters), this parameter must contain the host and port information for all databases to which the PPM Server connects. |
Locator for the database that contains the OpenText PPM database schema. where
Values: Default:
Timeout (in minutes) for cleaning the Default: |
Determines whether changes to JSP files are picked up on a running server, thereby quickly making them visible. If set to Values: Default: Valid values: |
If JSP_RECOMPILE_ENABLED is set to Default: |
For internal use only. Do not alter its value unless directed to do so by Software Support for OpenText PPM. Default: N/A |
The proxy of the JWK provider. Must use the format Introduced in version: 9.66 |
Defines the URL of the JWK provider when using JWT Authentication. The If no value is provided, the JWT authentication is not activated. Introduced in version: 9.66 |
Specifies the JWT claim in which the PPM username or login ID will be stored. If empty, defaults to Added in version: 9.66 |
Frequency with which the client sends keep-alive messages to the PPM Server. Default: |
Specifies the keystore file for Secure RMI. (See the Enabling Secure RMI (Optional) topic in the Installation and Administration Guide.) Default: N/A |
Password for the keystore created for Secure RMI. (See Enabling Secure RMI (Optional) topic in the Installation and Administration Guide.) Note: You must use Values: Default: N/A Valid values:Encrypted password in the format |
OpenText PPM account on the LDAP server. Values: Default: N/A Examples: |
OpenText PPM password on the LDAP server. Values: Default: Format: |
KINTANA_LOGON_FILENAME | Used in non-HTML notification, this parameter value is specified with the filename (to be appended to the URL), which points to the logon page. Note: We recommend that you not reset this parameter. Example: |
Server directory location. Set this value if you have a clustered server setup. Default: |
The server sets the (read-only) value of this parameter at runtime. Example:
Name of the PPM Server instance. Default: |
Time set to elapse before the PPM Server terminates a user session (in the PPM Workbench or standard interface) because of inactivity. A value of 0 denotes no timeout. Values: Default: Valid values: |
Base distinguished name on the LDAP server. Each LDAP URL must specify a base distinguished name (DN), which is used in place of the LDAP_BASE_DN server configuration parameter. If the URLs provided for LDAP_URL_FULL do not have a DN value, OpenText PPM uses the value set for LDAP_BASE_DN. Default: N/A
Examples: |
Base distinguished name on the LDAP server. Each LDAP URL must specify a base distinguished name (DN), which is used in place of the LDAP_BASE_DN server configuration parameter. If the URLs provided for LDAP_URL_FULL do not have a DN value, OpenText PPM uses the value set for LDAP_BASE_DN. Values: Default: N/A
Examples: |
The amount of time (in milliseconds) the PPM Service tries to connect o LDAP server before it times out. Default: -1 (equal to 15000) |
If set to Values: Default: Valid values: |
Number of levels of subgroups to traverse when importing users from groups. Default: |
LDAP_KEYSTORE | LDAP keystore. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
LDAP_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD | LDAP keystore password. Note: You must use Values: Default: N/A Valid values: Encrypted password in the format |
LDAP_LAST_SYNCH_TIMESTAMP | Last time the LDAP import was run. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
If set to Values: Default: Valid values: |
Maximum number of referral hops that the LDAP libraries can follow. Default: 10 |
Type of LDAP server used. Default: N/A |
SSL port number on the LDAP server. If not specified, all transactions are carried over the port specified for **LDAP_URL. Default: |
Comma-delimited list of LDAP URLs, which the PPM Server queries in the order specified. Note:
Format: Example: |
OpenText PPM uses this parameter to handle multiple domains during LDAP authentication. The values for the parameter include a space-separated (not comma-separated) list of full LDAP URLs. Each LDAP URL must specify a base DN. Note:
Example: com.kintana.core .server.LDAP_URL _FULL=ldap://host. /CN=Users,DC =yourdomain,DC =com ldap://host. /OU=Users2,DC =yourdomain ,DC=com |
Enables customization of the legal notice caption that displays on the PPM login page. Values: Default: N/A Valid values: Text string Introduced in version: PPM 10.0. |
Enables customization of the legal notice content that displays on the PPM login page. Values: Default: N/A Valid values: Text string Introduced in version: PPM 10.0. |
License key required to use OpenText PPM core functionality. Example : |
Number of listeners per node to execute light-weight background services. Values: Default: Valid values: positive integer |
Maximum number of listeners per node to execute light background services. Values: Default: Valid values: positive integer |
Maximum depth of the light services queue. Values: Default: Valid values: positive integer |
Delay between redeliveries of a message to the light service queue. Values: Default: Valid values: positive integer |
Number of times a message can be redelivered to the light service queue. Values: Default: Valid values: positive integer |
Determines how much load to place on a node in the server cluster. Default: |
Used to construct the servlet URL for use by PPM Server when the PPM Server internally invokes one of its own servlets. An example of this is when a report is executed. Ordinarily, this parameter should not need to be specified. Defaults to the IP address extracted from the server configuration parameter *RMI_URL. Example: |
Enables you to lock time sheets as long as they are not cancelled, frozen, or closed. You should flush the usermenu cache after changing the parameter value to make sure the change takes effect on the related menus. Values: Default: Valid values: |
The menu item Search > Administrative > Exceptions, which opens the Search Exceptions page, is hidden by default. To enable it, set the LOG_EXCEPTIONS_TO_DB parameter to You should flush the usermenu cache after changing the parameter value to make sure the change takes effect on the related menus. Values: Default: Valid values: |
Maximum age (and thus the expiration) of cookies used to start a OpenText PPM session. Default: |
Method used to log on to OpenText PPM. Default: |
URL for the OpenText PPM logon page. Default: |
Interval (in minutes) during which logon attempts are monitored. Values: Default: Valid values: positive integer |
Number of work plan lines to load into the Work Plan page if the user is connected through a slow connection such as a WAN. Values: Default: Valid values: positive integer |
LW_SSO_CLEAR_COOKIE | If LW-SSO authentication is enabled, add this parameter to the server.conf file to specify that OpenText PPM must clear the LW-SSO token when a user logs out of OpenText PPM.Note: For security purposes, we recommend that you always keep this parameter set to Values: Default: N/A Valid values: |
If LW-SSO authentication is enabled, add this parameter to the Values: Default: N/A Valid values: LW-SSO domain Example: |
LW_SSO_EXPIRATION_PERIOD | The token for validating user logon has an expiration value that determines an application's session validity. If LW-SSO authentication is enabled, add this parameter to the server.conf file to specify the LW-SSO token expiration period in minutes. Configure a token expiration for each OpenText application that uses LW-SSO. We recommend that you set the value to 60 (minutes). Note: The expiration value must be at least as high as that of the application session expiration value. For more information, see Configuring OpenText PPM for LW-SSO in the Installation and Administration Guide. Values: Default: N/A Valid value: Integer (minutes) Recommended value: |
If LW-SSO authentication is enabled, add this parameter to the Values: Default: N/A Valid value: String value at least 12 characters long |
If LW-SSO authentication is enabled, add this parameter to the Values: Default: N/A Example: |
Logging level to use. If set to 0, only integration exceptions and a summary are logged. If set to 1, events other than errors related to processing changes are also logged. For details about this parameter, see the Solution Integrations Guide Values: Default:
Valid values: |
MAX_BATCH_TIMESHEET_FREEZE_CLOSE | Maximum number of time sheets that can be frozen or closed at one time is the lower of:
Values: Default: None Valid values: integers |
MAX_BATCH_TIMESHEET_LINE_APPROVE | Maximum number of time sheets that can be approved at one time is the lower of:
Values: Default: None Valid values: integers |
Maximum number of results to display in bubble charts. Default: |
Maximum number of bubbles (entities) that can be displayed in a bubble chart. Values: Default: Valid values: Integer |
Specifies the maximum number of concurrent users to import time information from Agile Manager. Values: Default: Valid values: Integer Recommended range: |
Amount of time (in minutes) that an unused database connection stays open before it is closed and removed from the pool. Default: |
Amount of time that a database session is held open before it is closed and removed from the pool. Default: |
Amount of time that the system waits before it times out a request for a database connection. Default: |
Maximum size of each of the two database connection pools that the PPM Server creates. Each user does not get a dedicated connection. The server uses connection pooling, so it opens a new database connection only if no connections are available in the pool. Default: |
Maximum number of concurrent executions allowed to run on the server. If your system is heavily loaded, decreasing this may help reduce load, but may also delay execution of tasks. Default: |
Maximum number of files that a single user is allowed to upload to the PPM. Default: Introduced in release: PPM 9.62 |
Specifies the maximum number of releases from ALM to be displayed on the Project Details page in OpenText PPM Default: |
Maximum number of logon attempts in the time interval specified for *LOGON_TRIES_INTERVAL. Default: |
Absolute maximum number of work plan lines that can be loaded into the Work Plan page. Use this parameter to prevent excessive load on the server from excessive queries, and to prevent users from getting themselves into low performance situations. Default: |
Number of command executions that can run in a release distribution simultaneously. Values: Default: Valid values: Integer greater than 1 |
Specifies the maximum number of projects returned on project searches. Values: Default: Valid values: positive integer |
Specifies the maximum number of audit event query results. Values: Default: Valid values: positive integer |
Number of Values: Default: Valid values: positive integer |
Specifies the maximum number of resources allowed in a security group that serves as time approvers. Values: Default: Valid values: positive integer |
Specifies maximum attachment size (in MB) for files uploaded using OpenText PPM web interface. Values: Default: Valid values: positive integer |
A comma-separated list of domains/server names/IPs that are allowed in external URLs (HTTP or HTTPS) in custom menu XML files. All sub-domains will be allowed unless explicitly specified. Whether this is enforced depends on the values of parameters ENFORCE_DOMAINS_ALLOWLIST_FOR_MOBILE_MENU_XML and ENFORCE_DOMAINS_ALLOWLIST_FOR_DESKTOP_MENU_XML. Introduced in release: PPM 9.62 |
Number of emails that the Mobility Access service fetches in a single batch. Default: |
Amount of time the PPM Server tries to connect to the email account before it times out. Default: |
Controls whether to hide or display the initial text in an Mobility Access email notification. Default: |
Number of minutes the Mobility Access service is to wait after the start time or the last batch sent, before sending out the next batch of email notifications. Default: 5 |
Number of threads that the Mobility Access service uses to process emails. Default: |
Maximum size of Microsoft Project notes in OpenText PPM. Notes larger than the size specified for this parameter are truncated when MSP data is synchronized with OpenText PPM. Default: |
MSP_PROJECT_CUSTOM_FIELD | Microsoft Project includes a set of pre-defined text fields (Text1, Text2, Text3, and so on) that users can use to store whatever they want. By default, OpenText PPM uses the Text30 field at the project level in Microsoft Project to store information about the OpenText PPM project with which the Microsoft Project file is associated. If you already use the Text30 field in Microsoft Project, you can use this parameter to specify the Microsoft Project field for OpenText PPM to use. Caution: Do not change this parameter value after the Microsoft Project integration has been used. Default: |
Used to specify which enterprise custom resource field name is to be used by the Plug-in for PPM during enterprise resource mapping. Default: none |
Maximum number of links a user can add to the My Links menu in the standard interface. Values: Default: Valid values: positive integer |
Language used to display dates, by locale, on a multilingual OpenText PPM system. You can specify NLS_DATE_<NLS_LANGUAGE> using all languages installed on a OpenText PPM instance. Valid values: Any Oracle-supported values |
Sort order of search results displayed on a multilingual OpenText PPM system. You can specify NLS_SORT_<NLS_LANGUAGE> values for all of the languages installed on a OpenText PPM instance. Valid values: Any Oracle-supported values |
Oracle defaults for a territory by Java locale. Valid values: Any Oracle-supported values |
Controls whether the role specified for a position is used as a default filtering criterion when searching for resources to assign to that position. Values: Default: Valid values: Introduced in version: 24.1 |
Number of days that notifications remain in the system before the Notifications Cleanup Service removes them. Values: Default: Valid values: Integer greater than 1 |
Number of future fiscal years that can be viewed throughout financial summaries. For details, see Configuring Range of Fiscal Years in the Installation and Administration Guide. Time Managementuses this value to determine the latest future fiscal year that users can specify in the Fiscal Year and Data Range fields on a financial summary. Note: This parameter is also applied to snapshots of financial summaries, but is applied relative to the fiscal year each snapshot was taken, and not relative to the current fiscal year. Values: Default: Valid values: Integer between 0 and 20 |
Number of future fiscal years that can be viewed throughout financial summaries. For details, see Configuring Range of Fiscal Years in the Installation and Administration Guide.. Time Management uses this value to determine the earliest previous fiscal year that users can specify in the Fiscal Year and Data Range fields on a financial summary. Note: This parameter is also applied to snapshots of financial summaries, but is applied relative to the fiscal year each snapshot was taken, and not relative to the current fiscal year. Values: Default: Valid values: Integer between 0 and 20 |
The URL that PPM uses to generate the OData links for self-service portlet data sources. If not set, PPM uses the BASE_URL to generate the OData links. The format of this parameter is the same as BASE_URL. Default: null Added in version: 9.66. |
Enable or disable the attachment of Universal CMDB Impact Analysis Reports for CIs in PDF format to requests in PPM Center. For details, see the Demand Management Configuration Guide. Values: Default: Valid values: |
Number of algorithmic iterations that the optimization engine is to run. The more iterations, the more time is given to finding an optimal portfolio. Although the default is adequate in most instances, complex cases can benefit from more iterations. Note: This parameter also affects generation of the Efficient Frontier curve. Default: |
Maximum number of periods the optimizer can shift start dates forward. This does not affect manually-shifted Portfolio Management entities. If you allow a new start date for a project, the optimizer can start the project any time between the original start date and six months beyond that date. Default: |
Determines whether OpenText PPM is to be integrated with Oracle Apps. You must set this parameter to Values: Default: Valid values: |
Version of Oracle Apps used. For releases R11, R11i, and R12, specify R11. Values: Default: Valid values: |
The server sets this read-only parameter value during startup. Example: Valid values: Any supported Oracle database software version |
Full path to the Oracle home directory on the PPM Server. The Example: |
Determines who can bypass a request's dependency relationship that places the request on hold, and move the request to next steps. When set to true, only users with the Edit Dependent References access grant can use the Override button to bypass the dependency relationship. When set to false, users with the Edit Dependent References access grant or those who have created all the dependent entities can bypass the relationship. Default: Valid values: Introduced in version: 24.3 |
Use this parameter to configure the mappings between Primavera P6 fields and PPM task user data when using Oracle Primavera P6 XER and XML files in work plan to synchronize project scheduling information between PPM and Oracle Primavera P6. Use a semi-colon separated list of key-value pairs in the format "Aspose Task Field Key: PPM User Data index". For example, "ACTIVITY_ID:1; REMAINING_COST:3; BUDGET_COST:4" maps the Activity_id field to USER_DATA1, remaining_cost to USER_DATA3, and so forth. For better readability, you can add spaces around separators such as |(; or : ). You can obtain PPM User Data index from the PPM workbench. Introduced in version: 23.4. |
Directory to which OpenText PPM writes package output. In a server cluster, if you have overridden the default value for this parameter to refer to a different directory, then all servers in the cluster must be able to access and share the directory. Default: Same default value as the BASE_LOG_DIR parameter |
Extension used for package log files. Default: |
Prefix used for package log file names. Default: |
To disable the Export to PDF feature, add this parameter to the Values: Default: N/A Valid values: |
Logical group name assigned to a cluster of Tomcat application servers. Any node in the server cluster that is started with the same partition name becomes part of the cluster. The value for this parameter is set during installation. The startup script pulls the specified partition name from the Default: N/A |
Expiration period of passwords for new users. A value of 0 indicates no expiration. Values: Default: Valid values: 0 through 366 |
Number of days to restrict the reuse of an old password from the last date the password changed. A value of 0 indicates no restriction. Values: Default: Valid values: 0 through 2192 |
Absolute file path to the font used in exporting work plans in PDF file format. Values: Default: N/A Valid values:
Size of the thread pool for the Request Status Change service. Values: Default: Valid values: integer |
Semicolon-separated list of plugins used by the PPM Server. Default: N/A |
If set to Values: Default: Valid values: |
Maximum number of assignments that can be displayed for editing on the Enter Actuals page in Project Management. Default: |
License key required to use Portfolio Management. This key is available in the Autopass license key file. Default: N/A |
Defines the maximum number of subportfolios that can be included in a portfolio. Note: Be careful when increasing the default value as it might have performance impact. Default: Introduced in version: 24.3 |
Defines the maximum number of initiatives (proposals, projects, and assets) that can be included in a portfolio. Note: Be careful when increasing the default value as it might have performance impact. Default: |
Defines the maximum number of programs that can be included in a portfolio. Note: Be careful when increasing the default value as it might have performance impact. Default: Introduced in version: 24.3 |
Amount of time (in seconds) a portlet's SQL statement is to run before it is automatically disconnected from the database. This parameter is used to limit long-running queries in portlets, which may be caused by adding portlets without filtering criteria. Used to avoid excessive database CPU processing when users end their sessions before processing has completed. Note: Increase the value of PORTLET_EXEC_TIMEOUT only as a last resort. This setting has system-wide performance impact. If you must increase the value, specify a value such as 30, and not a high value such as 200. Default: |
If the ENABLE_PORTLET_MONITOR parameter is set to Default: |
If set to Values: Default: Valid values: |
Full path to the PostgreSQL home directory on the PPM server. Example: Introduced in version: 10.0.2. |
Determines the maximum duration of a project (based on start and finish dates of root task in the assigned work plan), on which cost roll-up calculations are performed. The default is optimized for performance. Default: |
Specifies the batch size of projects when resetting project overview layout and adding portlets to projects from the Project Overview Layout policy. Note: This parameter was removed in 24.4. To set the batch size of projects, use the ITG_TYPE_DASHBOARDS_BATCH_SIZE parameter. |
PROJECT_TYPE_DASHBOARDS_SLEEP_BETWEEN_BATCHES_IN_SEC | Specifies the duration (in seconds) before the next batch of resetting project overview layout or adding portlets to all projects should happen. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Controls how PPM calculates projected cost. Projected Cost = the cost of each previous month + the cost of the current month + the cost of each future month. When this parameter is set to When this parameter is set to Values: Default: Valid values: |
Name of the command-line PSQL executable, which must be in the <POSTGRESQL_HOME>/bin directory. Default: psql |
If set to true, enables users to use the Planned Value (PV) calculation algorithm, which uses projects' active baseline dates instead of their scheduled dates. When the Project Planned Value Update service runs, and the PV_USE_ACTIVE_BASELINE_DATES flag is set to PV = Baseline Cost * {MIN (Today's Date, Baseline Finish Date) - Baseline Start Date} / (Baseline Finish Date - Baseline Start Date)
Where Baseline Cost = Planned Labor + Planned Non-Labor When the Project Planned Value Update service runs the first time after this flag is turned on, projects with scheduled dates and active baseline dates that are past are added to the queue for PV recalculation. Values: Default: Valid values: |
Number of threads to be invoked per PPM Server node to send messages. Values: Default: Valid values: Integer greater than zero |
Determines whether user authentication is required for remote administration of the OpenText PPM instance. If set to If set to Values: Default: Valid values: |
The HTTP Header storing the IP of remote clients when using a Web server or load balancer in front of PPM. Values: Default: Valid values: Any valid HTTP header name. Introduced in version: 9.65. |
If you want report output to be written to a location other than the default directory (outside of the PPM Server directory structure), use this parameter to specify a different directory. Make sure that the PPM Server has access to the directory so that the report output HTML files can be written here. Example:
Directory in which the OpenText PPM report logs are stored. Note: In a server cluster, if you have overridden the default value for this parameter to refer to a different directory, then all nodes in the cluster must be able to access and share the directory. Same default value as the BASE_LOG_DIR parameter Example:
If Operational Reporting is deployed on your system, this is the base URL for your BusinessObjects server. Example:
REPORTING_JDBC_URL | If Operational Reporting is deployed on your system, this is the locator for the database that contains the Operational Reporting database schema. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
REPORTING_DB_USERNAME | If Operational Reporting is deployed on your system, this is the username for the Operational Reporting database schema. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
REPORTING_DB_PASSWORD | If Operational Reporting is deployed on your system, this is the password for the Operational Reporting database schema. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Frequency with which report status is refreshed and displayed to the user. Default: |
Specifies the duration (in minutes) that you can stay idle on the Create Request page, Request Details page, Project Details page, and Edit Time Sheet page before your session starts to time out.
Values: Default value: Valid value: integer |
Setting the parameter value to false disables
the PPM Center defect workflow driven
synchronization between PPM Center request
status and ALM entity status. The default value
is Values: Default value:
Valid values:
Location for Request execution log output. (Logs directory directly under the directory specified by the BASE_PATH parameter.) Note: In a server cluster, if you have overridden the default value for this parameter to refer to a different directory, then all nodes in the cluster must be able to access and share the directory. Example:
Specifies the request quick edit maximum rows. Values: Default value: Valid values: <= 100 |
Specifies the request quick edit maximum columns. Be cautious when setting this value too high. It might cause performance issues. Values: Default value: Valid values: integer |
Determines the stale check timeout frequency for the cache that holds mapping between parameter and tokens for Request Type and Request Header Type. Note: Do not change the value of this parameter. Default: 3600 (seconds) |
Maximum number of results returned by a search. The value is displayed as the default in the Limit Rows Returned To field. You can increase or lower the value to meet your needs. If you want to restrict the maximum number of records returned for the current search only, you can change the value in the Limit Rows Returned To field directly. Default: |
Flags whether or not to show total number of records for the request search results pages. The default value is Values: Default value:
Valid values:
Stale check timeout for the cache that maintains mappings between parameters and tokens for Request Type and Request Header Type. Note: We strongly recommend that you not change the value of this parameter. Default: |
Specifies the request types, when used by workflows, the security token defined for the workflow steps will dynamically resolve to users or security groups that are authorized to act on the workflow steps in the requests that use the request types. You must manually add this parameter in the Example: bug-request-type Introduced in version: 10.0 |
When you transfer 100% of a resource's participation from the current team, this parameter decides the default transfer option of this resource's assignments.
Values: Default: Valid values: Introduced in version: 10.0.3. |
Value used to calculate the suitability score for items returned on the Resource Finder results page. Values: Default: Valid values: |
Maximum number of resources that can be targeted in a user search. If the targeted number exceeds this value, the Resource Finder displays the message that the number of resources targeted is too large. Default: |
Value used to calculate the suitability score for items returned on the resource finder results page. Values: Default: Valid values: |
Determines whether only managers can bypass execution of workflow steps in packages. If set to If set to Values: Default value:
Valid values:
Determines whether only request managers can bypass execution of workflow steps in requests. If set to Values: Default value:
Valid values:
Determines the effort types allowed for Resource Management staffing profile and other modules. You can specify a combination of up to three comma-delimited values. Examples
The order does not matter. Values: Default: Valid values: |
Effort type used to display staffing profiles and resource pool information. Values: Default: Valid values: |
Default period type used to display staffing profiles and resource pool information. Values: Default: Valid values: |
Maximum number of resources in a resource pool. If the number of resources exceeds this value, some features are unavailable on the Resource Pool overview page. The View Resource Load button is not available if the number of resources in that resource pool (or its hierarchy if the "Include children resource pools when calculating load for this resource pool" flag is selected) exceeds the value set for this parameter. The View Forecasted Demand and Manage Pool Capacity button are also unavailable if the number of resources in the resource pool exceeds the default. However, you can still use the Resource page Manage Participation feature to add or remove resources. Values greater than the default (250) may increase response times and memory footprint when the above operations are performed. Default: |
If set to
The user can also use the resource finder to locate and assign resources in all resource pools. Values: Default value:
Valid values:
Port on which the PPM Server listens to initiate RMI client/server communication. Must be a unique port, distinct from the Web server, SQL*Net, and the HTTP or HTTPS ports. Format: rmi://<Host_Name>:<Port>/KintanaServer
Values: Default: Valid values: Port numbers higher than 1024 Example:
Used if PPM Server is running in secure RMI mode. If set to Values: Default value:
Valid values:
Password for the Oracle schema name specified for *RML_USERNAME Note: You must use Valid values: Encrypted password in the format #!#<Encrypted_Password>#!# |
Oracle schema name for the meta layer schema. Must be the same as the database schema name used during installation. Valid values: Any user name format that Oracle supports |
The maximum number of positions allowed by RMO when it assigns resources to positions. Values: Default: Valid values: Positive integer |
The longest duration (in days) of positions allowed by RMO when it assigns resources to positions Values: Default: Valid Values: Positive integer |
The maximum number of concurrent threads supported by RMO For example, if the value of this parameter is set to Values: Default: Valid Values: Positive integer |
The maximum amount of data to be handled by RMO The amount of the data for calculation = (number of positions) x (number of resources in the specified resource pool) x (number of days) Values: Default: Valid Values: Positive integer |
The timeout (in milliseconds) of RMO. Values: Default: Valid Values: Positive integer |
If set to The SchemeBasedRedirectFilter generates a correct redirect URL by adding the BASE_URL value as prefix to the redirect URL, such that every redirect URL starts with scheme (http/https) and the same base URL, and then sends to the correct target. If the parameter is not present in If you do not use https or reverse proxy, you can disable the SchemeBasedRedirectFilter by setting the parameter to Values: Default value:
Valid values:
Amount of time after which SCP clients must provide feedback after a file transfer has initiated, else a timeout occurs. Set to the maximum expected time for file transfer. Default: |
Level of detail included in Service Desk Integration (SDI) error logs. To log only errors, specify the value 0. To log both errors and information, specify the value 1. Valid values: |
Frequency (in seconds) with which the SDI service is run. Default: |
Number of seconds after which searches time out. It controls the timeout of both request search and time sheets search. Used to limit long-running queries in searches, which may be caused by submitting a search without specifying selective data. Avoids taking up database CPU if a user ends a session before the search is completed. Default: |
Setting this parameter to true, you can find all request types listed in the Request Type auto-complete list on the Search Request page. However, you are still not able to see the requests that you have no access to. Values: Default: Valid values: |
Name of the OpenText PPM environment that contains information about the PPM Server machine (for example, host name, user name, and password). Must be set before OpenText PPM entity migrators or commands involving secure copy can run. Default: |
Country code for the default regional settings. Add this parameter to the This parameter works together with SERVER_LOCALE_LANGUAGE_CODE to ensure that PPM Center groups all PPM Center users and non-PPM Center users together when sending notifications. Values: Default: Valid values: Two-letter abbreviation of a country in uppercase. Example, |
Language code for the default display language. Add this parameter to the This parameter works together with SERVER_LOCALE_COUNTRY_CODE to ensure that PPM Center groups all PPM Center users and non-PPM Center users together when sending notifications. Values: Default: Valid values: Two-letter abbreviation of a language in lowercase. Example, |
Specify the maximum heap size of JVM. Default: |
For internal use only. Do not change its value unless directed to do so by Software Support for OpenText PPM. Default: N/A |
Server mode to use in case you want exclusive access to a running server. Values: Default: Valid values: |
DNS name or IP address of the machine hosting the PPM Server. If you want to specify a literal IPv6 address, make sure you enclose the literal address with " Note: We strongly recommend you specify DNS name instead of literal IPv6 address. Values: Default: Valid values: Any valid machine name |
At the end of every service run, PPM automatically deletes the run records as well as the errors that are older than the days specified by this parameter. Default: |
Operating system on which the PPM Server is installed. Valid values: |
Source of the available list of services that users can associate with a request (through Demand Management) or a project task (through Project Management):
Values: Default: Valid values: |
Used for integration with Universal CMDB for service list retrieval. Length of time (in seconds) that the service list remains in OpenText PPM cache before it is retrieved again. Values: Default: Valid values: Integer |
Used for integration with Universal CMDB for service list retrieval. Service list mappings between OpenText PPM and Universal CMDB CIs. For more information, see the Solution Integrations Guide. Values: Default: N/A Example:
Used for integration with Universal CMDB for service list retrieval. Name of the configuration item (CI) type used to store the service list. Note: You must create this CI type on the Universal CMDB server. For more information about creating a CI type, see the documentation for Universal CMDB. Default: |
Used for integration with Universal CMDB for service list retrieval. Maximum number of Universal CMDB configuration items (CIs) allowed in the service list. Values: Default: Valid values: Integer |
A group of PPM users that no users in the system outside of this group can modify. This prevents these users from being locked out of the system and ensures that they always maintain a specific set of access rights. For internal use only. Do not change its value unless directed to do so by Software Support for OpenText PPM. Default: N/A |
Services, if any, run on a node in a server cluster. This parameter is set for every server in a cluster. Valid values are:
For a description of OpenText PPM background services and instructions on how to configure them, see Background Services in the Installation and Administration Guide. Values: Default: Valid values: |
Sets the default percentage complete value for milestones whose predecessors are completed. PPM automatically updates the milestone status based on the value. If you set the value to 0, the milestone status is updated to Ready. If you set the value to any integer from 1 to 99 the milestone status is updated to In progress. Values: Default: 99 Valid values: Integer from 0 and 99 Introduced in version: 2023. |
Determines whether the URL for the OpenText PPM logon window is displayed at the top of each email notification. Values: Default: Valid values: |
If it is set to If it is set to Values: Default: Valid values: |
If it is set to If it is set to Values: Default: Valid values: |
Controls whether you can access the Debug Console by holding the Values: Default: Valid values: |
If set to Values: Default: Valid values: |
If set to Values: Default: Valid values: |
If set to true, the Contents tab is available in the portfolio details page. Values: Default: Valid values: Introduced in release: PPM 9.62 |
If set to true, the Portfolio Epics tab is available in the portfolio page to show portfolio epics details. Values: Default: Valid values: |
If set to true, the Timeline tab is available in the portfolio details page. Values: Default: Valid values: Introduced in release: PPM 9.62 |
In single sign-on configuration, this parameter is used to specify the SSO method. You must manually add this parameter to the Example:
If set to Values: Default: Valid values: |
If you set this parameter to Values: Default: Valid values: |
If you set this parameter to true, when a user is disabled, the reports scheduled by the user are skipped. Values: Default: Valid values: Introduced in version: 10.0.4. |
Enables the integration of OpenText PPM tasks and Service Manager requests for change (RFCs). Values: Default: Valid values: |
Password that PPM Center uses to access Service Manager. You must encrypt this password by using the
Note: For information on how to run the Default: N/A |
Host name or IP address of Service Manager. Default: N/A Example:
User name that OpenText PPM uses to access Service Manager. This user name must include only single-byte characters. Default: N/A Example: |
Address of Service Manager Web tier. Example:
Enables an SMTP client to prepend a dot to each line in the body of an email message. Values: Default: Valid values: |
Encrypted password of SMTP authentication. Note: You must use Default: N/A Valid values: Encrypted password in the format |
Username of SMTP authentication. Default: N/A |
Port used to connect to the SMTP server when sending notifications. Default: Valid values: |
If set to Values: Default: Valid values: |
**SMTP_SERVER Required if notifications are used |
Host name of the SMTP-compliant mail server that acts as the gateway for email notifications. Example:
Specifies the SMTP protocol (TLS) the PPM server uses. Default: Valid values: Introduced in version: 2023.3. |
Specifies whether or not to connect to SMTP server using SSL. Note: SSL is not used by default. Default: |
Specifies whether or not to connect to SMTP server using STARTTLS.STARTTLS is not the same as SSL. Note:By default, STARTTLS is not used. Default: |
If set to Default: Valid values: |
Host name of the SOCKS proxy server. |
Port on the SOCKS proxy host that accepts proxy connections. Valid values: Any available port on the SOCKS proxy host |
If it is set to true, PPM uses the resource role for the cost factor "Role" when calculating the forecasted labor cost of a committed resource. When the resource role is not defined, PPM uses the position role. If it is set to false, PPM uses the position role for the cost factor "Role" when calculating the forecasted labor cost of a committed resource. Default: Valid values: |
Name of the command-line SQL*Plus executable, which must be in the Default:
SQL*Plus version and operating system that use the command line to pass arguments. Default: N/A Example: |
Specifies the SQL*Plus escape character. Default: none |
Oracle SQL*Plus version installed on the machine that hosts the PPM Server. You must set this for some OpenText PPM reports that run from command-line SQL*Plus calls. If you encounter problems running PL/SQL-based reports in OpenText PPM, set this parameter. Example:
If set to Caution: This parameter should not be set to true on a production environment. Values: Default: Valid values: |
When a value is defined in this parameter (valid file path), PPM Center will use it as The remote servers you will connect to should be included in the If this parameter is left empty, PPM first checks if there is a
Default: N/A |
This parameter only works for staffing profile New UI. Specify the reference codes of columns that are to be displayed by default in staffing profiles. Separate the reference codes by semicolons. The reference code for each available staffing profile column is as follows:
Specifies the earliest month that the staffing profile end period can be changed to. If you do not specify the parameter value, the staffing profile end period can be changed to any time period. This parameter only applies when changing the staffing profile end date. It does not apply when creating a staffing profile. If staffing profile dates are synchronized with project dates (controlled by the Synchronize Staffing Profile Dates with Project Dates feature toggle), this parameter also applies when changing the project end period. Values: Default: null Valid values: integer Introduced in version: 10.0.1 |
Maximum time (in minutes) for which PPM keeps alive for an idle user editing a staffing profile. To disable the session-keep-alive function, set it to Default: |
Specifies the reference codes of columns that are required in staffing profiles. Separate the reference codes by semicolons. It works both when you use inline edit and when you use the pop-up position window. The reference code for each available staffing profile column is as follows:
Required columns are always displayed in staffing profiles even when they are not set as default columns. |
Amount of time (in seconds) after which the intermediate Request Working page opens. Default: |
Maximum number of times to poll for completion of a request before a final message is sent to the user. Default: |
Time interval (in seconds) at which to poll for completion of a request after the intermediate Request Working page opens. Default: |
Determines how often (in seconds) the Synch PFM Project Health service runs. Default: |
Maximum number of packages to run simultaneously within a release distribution. If a large number of packages in a distribution are processing, increasing this value can improve performance. Default: |
Minimum number of packages to be run simultaneously within a release distribution. See also THREAD_POOL_MAX_THREADS. Default: |
**TIME_ZONE Required if the PPM Server and the Oracle database are in different time zones |
Used to set the time zone of the Oracle database. Leave the parameter blank if the PPM Server and the Oracle database host are in the same time zone. If they are in different time zones, set this to the time zone of the Oracle database host. Use a "standard" time zone setting, and not a daylight savings setting (such as EDT or PDT). You can use a fully-qualified time zone name (you are not restricted to three digits), such as "America/Los_Angeles" or "Australia/LHI". For a list of fully-qualified names, run the Client Time Zone Report in the Admin Tools window of the PPM Workbench. For details on how to run the report, see Running Server Reports from the Admin Tools Window in the Installation and Administration Guide.. If you do not a specify a value for this parameter, the value defaults to the time zone in which the PPM Server is running. Values: Default: Time zone in which the PPM Server is running Valid values: Any fully-qualified time zone designation such as "America/Los_Angeles" or "Australia/LHI". Do not use daylight savings-modified time zones such as "EDT" or "PDT". |
Enables you to specify the TLS protocol of LDAPs connections. Values: Default: Valid values: |
Enables you to copy staffing profile positions from work plan tasks. Note: This parameter was removed since PPM 9.61. To enable copying staffing profile positions from work plan tasks in PPM 9.61 and later, turn on the feature toggle Sync Between Task and Positions. Values: Default: Valid values: |
Specifies the duration (in minutes) that you can stay idle on the Edit Time Sheet page before your session starts to time out.
Values: Default: Valid value: integer |
By default, if a user has already marked his/her assignment 100% complete in the time sheet, the user can still log time on the task when the task is not 100% complete. If you do not want users who have completed their assignments on a task to continue logging time on the task, set the parameter to Values: Default: Valid: |
If set to
Values: Default: Valid: Introduced in version: 23.3. |
If set to If set to We recommend setting this parameter to Values: Default: Valid: |
If set to Values: Default: Valid: |
If the TM_DYNAMIC_DESC_CHARS parameter is set to Note: We recommend that you use the default value of 80 characters. Values: Default: 80 Valid values: Integer |
If set to Values: Default: Valid: |
Enable or disable the Time Management Custom Policy Extension. Values: Default: Valid: |
In time sheet policies, you can require users to specify activities on time sheet lines for requests of particular request types. To enable this activity restriction based on request types, you must set this parameter to Values: Default: Valid: |
TM_ENABLE_SHOW_WHATS_NEW (removed in 24.4) |
The first time a user opens any time sheet, OpenText PPM displays a message that describes the saving of the time sheet. After this, the message is not displayed to that user again for any time sheet. To disable the display of this message, set this parameter value to Note: On OpenText PPM instances that support multiple languages, the message is displayed only to users who select English at log-in. Values: Default: Valid: Note: This parameter was removed in 24.4. |
Determines whether the Default Billing Approver field on the Modify Resource > Time Management tab is read-only or editable. When set to true, the Default Billing Approver field becomes read-only. Values: Default: Valid: Introduced in version: 23.4. |
Determines the maximum number of time periods that can be displayed in the Previous Time Periods to Show list on the Approve Time page, the Search Time Sheets page, and the Approve Time Sheets portlet (available in 2023.3 and later versions). The default value (4) supplied is for optimal performance. If you increase the value, search performance may suffer. Values: Default: Valid values: Integer |
Determines the maximum number of result rows retrieved from the database for queries from the Search Time Sheets, Search for a Time Sheet to Freeze, Search for a Time Sheet to Close, and Approve Time Sheet pages. Values: Default: Valid values: Integer |
The maximum number of time approvers of time sheet lines allowed by the system before it throws warning. Values: Default: Valid: Positive integer |
The maximum number of billing approvers of time sheets allowed by the system before it throws warning. Values: Default: Valid: Positive integer |
The maximum number of time approvers of time sheet lines allowed by the system before it throws error. Values: Default: Valid: Positive integer |
The maximum number of billing approvers of time sheets allowed by the system before it throws error. Values: Default: Valid: Positive integer |
Specifies the amount of the Reevaluate Time Sheet information handled by the Evaluate TM Approvers service. Default Value: |
Controls whether users can approve their own time sheets. When set to Values: Default: Valid: Introduced in version: 25.1 |
Stores the reference code for the Time Management request type to use to override the default request type used in the Add Work Item to Timesheet window. Values: Default: N/A Valid: reference code of the request type |
When set to true, the time sheet Time Breakdown tab displays the time field as blank if the time value is zero. Values: Default: Valid: Introduced in version: 2023.3 |
Specifies the number future periods for which users can specify time on time sheets. Default: |
Specifies the number of previous periods for which users can specify time. Default: |
Determined the frequency (in milliseconds) with which the TM-PM Sync Service runs. Note: We strongly recommend that you keep the default value (equal to three hours). Default: 10800000 (in ms) |
Specifies the default temporary directory that OpenText PPM uses. The main purpose of this directory is to temporarily hold files as they are migrated from a source environment to a destination environment with Deployment Management. In a server cluster, all servers must be able to access and share the specified directory. Example
If set to Values: Default: Valid: |
Lists the URLs that are allowed in the PPM Content-Security-Policy HTTP Header, to allow iframe embedding or script or image linking. Separate multiple values with spaces. This parameter takes effect only when the CONTENT_SECURITY_POLICY includes the %TRUSTED_EXTERNAL_URLS% placeholder in its value. Default:
Introduced in version: 10.0.3. |
Used for integration with Universal CMDB for CI selection. Web location of the Probe Gateway component of the Discovery and Dependency Mapping (DDM) Probe. The Probe Gateway provides communication (HTTP or HTTPS) between the Probe Manager and the Universal CMDB server for processes such as downloading tasks and returning task results. For more information, see the Solution Integrations Guide. |
Used for integration with Universal CMDB for CI selection. Maximum number of configuration items (CIs) to display on the Universal CMDB section of the request details page. For more information, see the Solution Integrations Guide. Note: If you specify a value greater than 100, the Universal CMDB server does not restart, and instead displays an error message. Values: Default: Valid values: Integer between 1 and 100 |
Encrypted password for the Universal CMDB user. For more information, see the Solution Integrations Guide. Note: You must use Valid values: Encrypted password in the format |
URL of the Universal CMDB server. http://<UCMDB_Host>:<Port>/ucmdb/ or https://<UCMDB_Host>:<Port>/ucmdbwhere Note: If the Universal CMDB server is configured to support HTTPS, make sure that you configure the UCMDB_SSL_KEYSTORE_PATH parameter. For more information, see the Solution Integrations Guide. Default: N/A |
Used for integration with Universal CMDB for CI selection or service list retrieval. SSL keystore path. Required only if UCMDB_SERVER_URL parameter uses Default: N/A Example: |
Used for integration with Universal CMDB for CI selection. Universal CMDB user name for the integration. For more information, see the Solution Integrations Guide. Default: N/A Example: |
Determines the maximum number of connections to the Universal CMDB server through the Web Service API. Default: |
Universal CMDB user password for logging in through Web service. Note: You must use Values: Default: N/A Valid values: Encrypted password in the format |
Used for integration with Universal CMDB for service list retrieval. Universal CMDB user name for logging in through Web service. Default: N/A Example: |
If ENABLE_UI_MONITOR is set to Values: Default: Valid values: Integer greater than 0 |
If you set this parameter to If you change the parameter value, the new value will be used in the calculation of forecast labor cost the next time when the Staffing Profile Financial Summary Sync service runs. This parameter was deprecated in the version 10.0.3. Use the FM_SP_POSITION_REGION_PRECEDENCE parameter instead.
Values: Default: Valid values: |
When it is set to true, PPM uses the task role for the cost factor "Role" when calculating the task cost. When task role is not defined, use the resource role. When it is set to false, for the assigned portion of the task, PPM uses the role of the resource; for the unassigned portion, PPM uses the task role. If , for the assigned portion of the task, the assigned resource does not have a role, PPM uses the task role. This parameter works both when the task effort is tracked in the work plan and when it is tracked in time sheets. Value changes of this parameter do not impact existing tasks until they are modified. Values: Default: Valid values: |
The maximum number of users displayed in User Management Console. Values: Default: Valid values: positive integer |
Flags whether or not to check notification recipient regional settings.
Setting the value to Values: Default: Valid values: |
Type of encryption to use for user passwords. Values: Default: Valid: Introduced in version: 24.3 |
Maximum number of characters in user passwords. Default: |
Minimum number of digits in user passwords. Default: |
Minimum number of characters in a user password. Default: |
Determines the minimum number of non-alphanumeric characters that user passwords must contain. Default: |
Minimum number of uppercase letters in a user password. Default: |
Minimum number of lowercase letters in a user password. Default: |
In a server cluster, if you have overridden the default value for this parameters to refer to a different directory, then all servers in the cluster must be able to access and share the directory. Same default value as the BASE_LOG_DIR parameter Example
When set to It is not recommended to change the parameter's default value unless there is serious performance issue. Check this with support before changing the value to Values: Default: Valid values: |
Length of time (in seconds) that resource management visualizations can run before they time out. Default: |
Specifies web cache directory. Add this parameter to the Required only if all the nodes of the cluster are not located on the same physical machine AND in the same Example: //<IP_Address> /<Local_Drive_Letter>$ /<Shared_Folder>/ or <File_Server_Name>$ /<Shared_Folder> |
Specifies the PPM users who can call the Web service API. You must manually add the PPM usernames to the Values: Default: N/A Valid values: PPM username Added in version: 10.0. |
By adding this parameter to the Values: Default: Valid values: |
Frequency with which the PPM Server checks for pending scheduled tasks, and starts the tasks if worker threads are available. Default: |
Determines the priority of scheduled tasks. Because scheduled tasks run in the background, it may be useful to run them at a lower priority than the threads servicing user-oriented interactive tasks. Default: |
Earliest Java plug-in version used to access the PPM Workbench interface. Use this parameter to use a specific version (other than the default version) of the Java plug-in to open the PPM Workbench. Example
Specifies maximum available memory (in MB) for the PPM Workbench. Default: |
The address of PPM Server that PPM Workbench communicates with via HTTP(S). If not set, PPM Workbench communicates with the server specified in BASE_URL. The format of this parameter is the same as BASE_URL. This parameter is only effective when ENABLE_WORKBENCH_HTTP is set to Default: null |
Specifies the default work plan view when viewing or creating a work plan for the first time. Valid values are: If this parameter is not specified or the view it specifies is not enabled, the work plan is opened in the Quick view. Example: |
Specifies the default columns in the work plan view defined by the WORK_PLAN_DEFAULT_VIEW parameter when viewing or creating a work plan for the first time. The columns could be OOTB columns and task user data. If the WORK_PLAN_DEFAULT_VIEW parameter is not specified, values of this parameter do not work. Valid values are: taskStatus , scheduledDuration , scheduledStart , scheduledFinish , scheduledEffort , unassignedEffort , predecessors , resources , role , activity , service , actualEffort , actualStart , actualFinish , actualDuration , actualsAsOf , percentComplete , estimatedRemainingEffort , estimatedFinish , plannedLabor , plannedNonLabor , plannedCost , actualLabor , actualNonLabor , plannedCapitalExpense , plannedOperatingExpense , actualCapitalExpense , actualOperatingExpense , plannedValue , earnedValue , costVariance , scheduleVariance , cpi , spi , actualCost , baselineScheduledStart , baselineScheduledFinish , baselineScheduledEffort , baselineActualStart , baselineActualFinish , baselineActualEffort , percentWorkComplete .
If you want to specify default task user data, add the user data token values. Values should be separated by semicolons. Example: |
Specifies resource availability days limit for a task, including the resource's non-working days. A schedule warning appears if the total of the value entered in the Scheduled Duration field and the resource's non-working days is bigger than the limit you specified. Values: Default: Valid values: An integer value greater than |
Defines how PPM calculates the resource load when the work plan task assignments are set to present resource load in the Project Settings. Values include:
Values: Default: Valid values: Added in release: 9.66. |
If set to Values: Default: Valid values: |
See also: