Create retention policies

Use retention policies to control how many vault packages and chain runs to keep in PulseUno and for how long. As an administrator, you can create retention policies for chains or vaults.

Retention guidelines

Before creating retention policies, review these guidelines:

  • PulseUno uses separate retention policies for chains and vaults.

  • By default, chain runs are stored for 30 days, and vault packages and files are stored indefinitely.

  • A retention policy specifies the conditions for keeping the latest chain runs or the most recently used package versions. As soon as any of the retention conditions is reached, PulseUno deletes oldest content permanently.

  • Regardless of the retention policy, PulseUno always keeps the latest used version of any vault package.

    For a Maven snapshot, which is the type of package version that can be delivered multiple times, PulseUno always keeps the latest delivery of each snapshot.

  • Because generic vaults do not support file versioning, only one version of each file is retained in a generic vault.

  • After you create a retention policy, apply it to a vault or chain. A General retention policy applies to all logs in a chain, and a Vault retention policy applies to all packages in a vault.

    For details, see Set chain options and Set a vault content policy.

  • You can override the retention policy for individual packages and chain runs, and keep them forever. For details, see Review and approve packages.

    For chains that deployed artifacts, you can also keep the artifacts. For details, see View chain runs.

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Create a chain retention policy

To define the conditions for removing chain runs from the chain log, create a General retention policy. You can add multiple retention policies and use different policies for individual chains.

To create a retention policy for chains:

  1. In PulseUno, navigate to Administration > Retention Policies.

  2. In the General tab, click New Retention Policy .

  3. Enter a title and an optional description for the retention policy.

  4. Set one or more conditions for retaining chain runs:

    Field Description
    Items to retain Specify the number of chain runs to retain in the log, for example, 100.
    Max item age Specify how many days to keep chain runs before removing them, for example, 365 (one year).
    Max size Specify the maximum log size in MB, for example, 1024 (1 GB). When the log reaches this size, PulseUno removes the oldest chain runs.
  5. Click Save.

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Create a vault retention policy

To define the conditions for deleting content in vaults, create a Vault retention policy. You can add multiple retention policies and use different policies for different vaults.

To create a vault retention policy:

  1. In PulseUno, navigate to Administration > Retention Policies.

  2. Select the Vault tab, and click New Retention Policy .

  3. Enter a title and an optional description for the retention policy.

  4. Set one or more conditions for retaining packages:

    Field Description
    Package versions to retain

    Specify the number of versions to keep for each package.

    For example, to keep 10 most recently used versions, enter 10.

    Snapshots to retain Maven snapshots: Specify the number of snapshot deliveries to keep for each Maven snapshot.
    Max item age Specify how many days to keep package versions and snapshot deliveries before removing them. For example, 365 (one year).
    Max size

    Specify the maximum vault size in MB.

    For example, to make sure that the total size of packages in a vault doesn't exceed 1 GB, enter 1024. When the vault reaches this size, PulseUno removes the oldest package versions.

    Note: Packages that you have selected to keep forever are not counted in the total vault size and the number of versions to retain.

  5. Click Save.

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See also: