Set email notifications

As an administrator, you can manage which notifications users can subscribe to. You can set notifications for security events, reviews and pull requests, and vault packages.

For details on how to subscribe to email notifications, see Subscribe to email notifications.

To set email notification options:

  1. Navigate to Administration > Notifications.

  2. Select the tab to set notifications for security, review, or vault events:

    Tab Description
    General Set notifications for security events related to managing personal access tokens and changing a user's password.
    Review Set notifications for reviews and pull requests.
    Vaults Set notifications for vaults.
  3. For each notification type, select an option:


    The notification is not available for users to subscribe to.

    Disabled notifications are not displayed in user subscription preferences.

    Send notification The notification is sent to users by default, but users can unsubscribe from it.
    Do not send notification The notification is not sent to users by default, but users can subscribe to it.
  4. Reviews and pull requests: If you don't want users to receive code fragments in email notifications, clear the Include code fragments option.

  5. To define the mail server settings, such as the From address, SMTP server and port, and SMTP authentication options, select the Mail tab.

  6. Click Save.

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See also: