Configure Dimensions CM request types

As an administrator, you can enable and disable Dimensions CM request types, and map PulseUno attributes to Dimensions CM request attributes.

Enable a request type

At least one request type must be enabled. By default, all request types are enabled and their attributes are not mapped.

Disable request types to limit which ones can be used in request planning.

To enable a request type:

  1. On the top navigation bar, select a space from the spaces list.

  2. On the Products page, open the product where you want to enable request types.

  3. On the sidebar, select Settings > Request Types.

  4. Click the name of the request type to configure.

  5. On the request type page, set the Enable request type option:

    Enable (selected) Existing requests of this type are visible, and you can create new requests.
    Disable (cleared) Existing requests of this type are visible, but you cannot create new requests.
  6. Map this request type's attributes to request attributes defined in Dimensions CM. For details, see Map to Dimensions CM request attributes.

  7. Click Save.

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Add external links to requests

As an administrator, you can configure request types to display external links. For details, see Map to Dimensions CM request attributes.

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Map to Dimensions CM request attributes

To enable Agile planning, PulseUno requires additional fields. You can store these fields in PulseUno or map them to Dimensions CM request attributes:

  • If you store attributes (unmapped) in the PulseUno database, you do not need to add them to your process control plan in Dimensions CM. This enables you to evaluate and use PulseUno more easily, especially if the fields are always edited in PulseUno.

  • If you map attributes to Dimensions CM, they can be viewed and edited in other Dimensions CM clients.

    You map PulseUno attributes to request attributes defined in your process control plan in the Dimensions CM administration console. Select Dimensions CM attributes that best suit how your team uses request planning.

The following table describes PulseUno attributes and explains what they can be mapped to.

PulseUno attribute Description Can be mapped to

A detailed description of the request. You can display the text in this field as:

  • Plain text
  • Markdown
  • HTML

Default mapping: Detailed description.

Single-value character field or Detailed description.
Acceptance Criteria Specifies the criteria to be met before the request is considered to be complete. Single-value character field or Detailed description.
Total Points The total effort estimated to complete the request (in arbitrary units, such as story points). Used to generate the burndown charts. Single-value number field.
Remaining Points The estimated effort left to complete the request (in arbitrary units, such as story points). Used to generate the burndown charts. Single-value number field.
Blocked Specifies if a request is blocked and cannot be progressed. Typically, this attribute has a Yes/No value. Single-value character field with a valid set that has at least two values. You must specify which value means Yes and which value means No.
External Link

Defines an external link, for example, a link to an SBM ticket or an external URL. The link you define is displayed in the External Link section of a request.

Value/label attribute name

Select a request attribute to display the value of an external link.

For example, select the attribute that displays the value of a specific SBM ticket that is related to this request. The attribute may be similar to SBM Issue.

Ask your Dimensions CM administrator for the correct attributes to use.

Single-value character field.
URL attribute name

Select a request attribute that contains the link to an external item.

For example, select the attribute that displays the URL of a specific SBM ticket that is related to this request. The attribute may be similar to SBM Hyperlink.

Ask your Dimensions CM administrator for the correct attributes to use.

If you do not define Attribute Containing the URL, the displayed value is static, not a hyperlink.

Note: Request attributes can be customized by your Dimensions CM administrator.

Single-value character field.

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See also: