Integrate with Atlassian Jira

You can integrate a PulseUno Git repository with an Atlassian Jira instance. This integration enables you to pull issues from Jira and use them with commits to create reviews and pull requests in PulseUno.

Note: PulseUno products use the Dimensions CM request system. To use Jira issues in a product, configure Jira as a request provider in Dimensions CM. For details, see the Dimensions CM help.

Connect to Jira instance

To enable the use of Jira issues in a Git repository, first connect a Jira instance to PulseUno.

Note: Administrator permissions required.

To set up a connection to Jira:

  1. In PulseUno, navigate to Administration > Connections.

  2. On the Connections page, click New Connection and select Jira from the list.

  3. On the new connection page, add the following Jira details:

    Field Description
    Title Enter the name for the Jira connection.
    Web URL Enter the base path to the Jira instance, for example,

    Jira API URL

    For Jira Server, provide the base path to the Jira instance API, for example, By default, the Web URL is used.

    For Jira Cloud, leave this field empty or use the Web URL.


    For Jira Server, enter a username for connecting to the Jira instance.

    For Jira Cloud, enter an email for connecting to the Jira instance.

    Password/API token

    For Jira Server, provide the Jira instance password.

    For Jira Cloud, provide an API token created from your Atlassian account. For details about creating API tokens for Atlassian cloud products, see the Atlassian documentation.

  4. Click Save.

    A working connection is displayed with the Connected status.

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Enable Jira requests

After you connect a Jira instance to PulseUno, enable the integration to use Jira issues with commits in a Git repository.

To enable integration with Jira:

  1. On the top navigation bar, select a space from the spaces list.

  2. On the Products page, select the Git repository for which you want to enable integration.

  3. On the sidebar, select Settings > Integrations.

  4. On the Integrations page, in the Requests section, select the connection to a Jira instance.

  5. Add the following details for the selected instance:

    Field Description
    Project keys

    Enter the Jira project keys to link to specific Jira projects, for example, AA or AB.

    To link to all projects, leave the field empty.

    Issue key pattern

    Enter the Jira issue key pattern to associate with specific issues.

    The default pattern is "((?<!([A-Za-z]{1,10})-?)[A-Za-z]+-\\d+)".

  6. Click Save.

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See also: