Changeset reports

The Changeset report displays information about created changesets and their health in a stream or branch.

To view a changeset report:

  1. On the top navigation bar, select a space from the spaces list.

  2. On the Products page, open a product or Git repository.

  3. On the sidebar, select Code > Branches.
  4. Open the stream/branch for which you want to view the report.
  5. On the sidebar, select Reports > Changesets.
  6. Select a date range from the date filter. The default range is the last 3 months.

    The Changeset report consists of these sections:

    Section Description
    Changesets Delivered Displays a graph of changeset delivery frequency over the date range. Includes the total number of contributing users and their deliveries.
    Changesets by State

    Colored tiles indicate changeset health and display the total number of changesets for each state.

    A graph shows the health of changeset deliveries over time. You can select one of the following views:

    • Stacked. Displays the changeset states stacked one on top of each other. The hint displays the total number of changeset states per day.

    • Stream. Displays each changeset state separately and shows the trend. The hint displays the total number of changeset states per day.

    • Expanded. Similar to Stacked but the graph is expanded to 100%. The hint displays the changeset states as a percentage of the total number of deliveries for each day.

    Changesets Details Lists the details of the changesets delivered over the date range. Click a changeset ID or review label to view more details.

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See also: