Create delivery filters

Delivery filters help you control how reviews are created and chains are triggered in streams or branches.

Every path in a changeset is matched against the patterns in a stream's delivery filter. If one or more paths pass through the filters, the changeset delivery creates reviews and runs chains.

PulseUno applies a product or Git repository's default delivery filter to any streams or branches in that product or Git repository that do not have an assigned delivery filter. For details on how to assign delivery filters, see Set delivery filter defaults.

To create a delivery filter:

  1. On the top navigation bar, select a space from the spaces list.

  2. On the Products page, select the product or Git repository where you want to create a delivery filter.

  3. On the sidebar, select Settings > Delivery Filters.

  4. On the Delivery Filters page, click New Delivery Filter .

  5. In the Title field, enter a name for the new delivery filter.

  6. (Optional) In the Note field, enter information about the filter.

  7. Use the Exclude Paths/Include Paths fields to control which paths create reviews and run chains.

    Paths Description
    Excluded paths
    • To prevent specific paths from creating reviews and running chains, enter Ant-style patterns (one pattern per line), for example:



    • To create reviews and run chains for the included changesets, leave empty.

    Included paths
    • To create reviews and run chains only for specific paths, enter Ant-style patterns (one pattern per line), for example:



    • To create reviews and run chains for all changesets, leave empty.

  8. If you have a system that delivers changes using specific usernames, for example a build process, you can ignore those changesets. In the Exclude authors field, enter the usernames (login IDs) on separate lines.

    For example, regbuild excludes all deliveries by the user with the username regbuild.

  9. To ignore changesets with specific text in their delivery comments, specify message patterns in the Excluded messages field. Enter each pattern on a separate line. Use the asterisk (*) wildcard to match multiple messages.

    For example, *NO_REVIEW* excludes deliveries where the message contains the keyword NO_REVIEW.

  10. Click Save.

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See also: