Detect dependency vulnerabilities

PulseUno provides an option to regularly check for security vulnerabilities in chains and vault packages.

Dependency vulnerability data

When you run a chain or deliver a package to a vault, PulseUno automatically detects and reports dependency vulnerabilities that the chain or package have.

For enhanced security, you can turn on continuous vulnerability detection for chains and packages. This way, PulseUno identifies and reports any dependency vulnerabilities as soon as they are discovered in the future. By default, the ongoing vulnerability check is enabled for remote vaults.

To keep up to date with newly found security issues, PulseUno regularly gathers information about dependency vulnerabilities from the following sources:

  • Vulnerability database of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
  • Sonatype OSS Index
  • npm Security Advisories

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Run continuous vulnerability checks

You can enable PulseUno to continuously check for vulnerabilities in a selected vault or chain.

To run ongoing vulnerability checks:

  1. Add one or more dependency detection steps to the chain, for example:

    • CycloneDx Dependency Detector

    • Maven Dependency Detection

    • Npm Dependency Detection

      For details about these steps, see Dependency.

      For details about adding plugin steps to a chain, see Create chains.

  2. Set the option for detecting dependency vulnerabilities in the chain.

    For details, see Enable ongoing vulnerability detection.

Vault packages

Enable the Dependency Vulnerability Check option in vault settings.

For details, see Edit vault settings.

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See also: