AggregatedScanResult Class Properties

For a list of all members of this type, see AggregatedScanResult members.

Public Properties
Public PropertyActiveCustomActionThe latest action performed on this aggregate. (Inherited from HP.Sprinter.Scanners.API.ScanResult)
Public PropertyAttachedFilesThe collection of files related to the entire aggregate. (Inherited from HP.Sprinter.Scanners.API.ScanResult)
Public PropertyCategoryThe category of the aggregate. (Inherited from HP.Sprinter.Scanners.API.ScanResult)
Public PropertyDataAdditional data about the aggregate. This data is application-dependant. (Inherited from HP.Sprinter.Scanners.API.ScanResult)
Public PropertyDataItemsThe data the scanner needs to process the aggregated result.  
Public PropertyDescriptionThe description of the aggregate. (Inherited from HP.Sprinter.Scanners.API.ScanResult)
Public PropertyRelevantCntrlThe control the result was found in. (Inherited from HP.Sprinter.Scanners.API.ScanResult)
Public PropertyRelevantCntrlsThe collection of controls needed by the scanner to process the aggregated result.  
Public PropertyScannerThe scanner that found these results. (Inherited from HP.Sprinter.Scanners.API.ScanResult)
Public PropertySeverityThe aggregated severity of the results. (Inherited from HP.Sprinter.Scanners.API.ScanResult)
Public PropertySummaryA short aggregate summary of the results. (Inherited from HP.Sprinter.Scanners.API.ScanResult)