Review the Run Results

Some steps are relevant only for tests that you run in Power Mode.

This section describes the various steps you can perform to review your run results:

  1. Review a summary of your run.

    The Run Summary tab displays a summary of the details of your test run, including basic test and run information as well as a summary of the steps and actions in your test. You can also view the defects you opened and comments you added, and print or email the summary.

  2. Review the steps you performed in your run.

    The Steps Summary tab displays a summary of any steps you ran in your test, including actual results and any attached screen captures or other attachments. You can also export, print, or email the steps in your test. For details, see Steps Tab (Run Area).

  3. Review the defects you submitted during your run.

    The Run Defects tab (available when you are connected to a defect tracking system or ALM) displays a summary of all the defects you submitted during your run. Click on the Defect ID to open the Defect Details dialog box in order to review the information in your defects. You can also print or email the summary of the run defects.

    For details, see Run Defects Tab.

  4. Review the defect reminders you created during your run

    Note: The Defect Reminders Pane is not available when viewing the results in the Results Viewer without Sprinter installed.

    The Defect Reminders Pane (available when you are connected to a defect tracking system or ALM) displays a summary of the defect reminders you created during your run. You can submit defects based on these defect reminders. You can also print or email the summary of your defect reminders.

    Click the Defect Reminder tab to display the Defect Reminders Pane.

    For details, see Defect Reminder tab.

  5. Review the user actions you performed during your run

    The User Actions pane displays a summary of the user actions you performed during your run. You can export the user actions to an .xls, .xlsx, or .csv file. You can also print and email the list of your user actions.

    Click the User Actions tab to display the User Actions pane. For details, see User Actions Pane/User Actions Summary Dialog Box.

  6. Review details and screen captures of your user actions in the Storyboard

    1. Select the Storyboard tab.

      The Storyboard opens.

    2. Select an action in the Timeline.

      All the user actions you performed in your run are represented in the Timeline as image thumbnails along the bottom of the Storyboard.

      When you select an action in the Timeline, its screen capture is displayed in the upper left pane and the action details are displayed in the upper right pane of the Storyboard.

      You can filter the actions that are displayed in the Timeline. For details on how to filter and navigate the Timeline, see Storyboard Window.

    3. Review the action details.

      The upper right pane of the Storyboard displays information about the action you selected in the Timeline.

      From this pane you can:

      • View a description of the action.

      • View a list of any defects you submitted for the action. You can click the defect ID link to open the Defect Details dialog box from Application Lifecycle Management and view or edit your defect.

      • View a list of any defect reminders you created for the action. You can submit defects based on these reminders.

      • View the comment, if you added one to the action.

    4. Export the storyboard to a PDF or Word file.

      Select a location in the file system in which to save the PDF file. This file includes run information, step status information, and the action details for the entire run session.

      For more details on how to view and navigate the storyboard, see Storyboard Window.