What's New in 2023-24.4
Sprinter versions 2023-24.4 introduce the following features and enhancements.
In this topic:
This section describes the changes provided in each release:
Version 24.4:
Scanners are now supported when running tests on Edge browsers.
- Stability improvements and bug fixes.
Version 24.2:
The default installation now uses the %PROGRAMDATA%/OpenText/Sprinter and %APPDATA%/OpenText/Sprinter folders.
If you have files in the %PROGRAMDATA%/Micro Focus/Sprinter and %APPDATA%/Micro Focus/Sprinter folders from previous versions, move them manually to preserve your configuration.
Version 23.4:
The user interface and documentation is updated to reflect that Micro Focus is now OpenText.
Support for SAPGUI 8.00 64-bit.
Silverlight support was discontinued.
Version 2023:
Support for Java 64-bit applications.
- Stability improvements and bug fixes.
- Maintenance for Internet Explorer was discontinued.
Digital Lab (formerly Digital Lab) integration
Sprinter supports working with the following Digital Lab versions:
Version 24.4: Supports Digital Lab 24.4.
Version 24.2: Supports Digital Lab 24.2.
Version 23.4: Supports Digital Lab 23.4.
Version 2023: Supports Digital Lab 2023.
See also: