Component Configuration

During installation, the installers pre-configure each component. However, it is recommended that you review the appropriate configuration files outlined in this section prior to starting ActiveMQ MPX.

You can configure your MPX components incrementally and in any order. For example, you could install StarTeam Server and the MPX Message Broker only, configure and start them and later add a Root MPX Cache Agent, and Remote MPX Cache Agents.

The information in this section provides an overview of some of the configuration settings that you need to be aware of when setting up your MPX components:

Review the Root MPX Cache Agent archive path If using a Root MPX Cache Agent on a different machine than the StarTeam Server, you should update the "Root MPX Cache Agent archive path" for each hive to reflect the path with which the Root MPX Cache Agent sees that hive. You should use UNC paths on Windows because mapped drives usually do not work with services. You can edit this property in the Hive Properties dialog box of the Server Administration tool (Tools > Administration > Hive Manager).
MPX Transmitters

Each server configuration must have appropriately edited MPXEventTransmitter.xml and MPXFileTransmitter.xml files in a folder named <configuration repository path>/EventServices/. Normally these files are copied automatically from the template files (ActiveMQEventTransmitterTemplate.xml and MPXFileTransmitterTemplate.xml), which are installed at server_installation_path/Event services.

You typically do not need to edit the MPXFileTransmitter.xml file. Its presence in the <configuration repository path>/EventServices/ folder enables the file transmitter.

You should review each MPXEventTransmitter.xml file to ensure that the <server_names> property of each <Profile> points to the appropriate MPX Message Broker. Other edits such as adding more profiles may also be appropriate.

Initially, you must edit these files manually using a text editor such as Notepad. You can edit the MPXEventTransmitter.xml file using the Server Administration only after the server configuration is running and the MPX components have successfully started.

During your initial edits of MPXEventTransmitter.xml, take care to not introduce syntax errors or else the file will not load properly during the server configuration’s start up. You can open the file in a browser to quickly check its syntax.

MPX Message Broker Review the file ActiveMQMessageBroker.ini and edit it (using a text editor) as needed. You should use the "conn_names" property to make the service listen on a specific IP address and/or port. Use the "server_names" property to connect to other Message Brokers (to form a "cloud").
Root MPX Cache Agent You must typically edit the configuration file. Use a text editor such as Notepad for editing this file.
Properties The property <ServerConfigsFile> must point to the full path name of the appropriate starteam-server-configs.xml file (using a UNC path if necessary), and <ConfigName> must define the appropriate StarTeam configuration. Alternatively, if the root MPX Cache Agent will not use object caching, the property <RootRepositoryPath> must point to the repository path of the StarTeam Server configuration that it will track.

You should set the <server_names> property to the MPX Message Broker that the Root MPX Cache Agent will use. You may also need to adjust the <CachePath> property. If running a Root MPX Cache Agent for multiple StarTeam Server configurations, you must copy the configuration file with a unique file name for each configuration and edit those files with unique <RootRepositoryPath>, <RequestPort>, and <CachePath> values for each server configuration.

On Windows, you must also run CacheAgentService.exe with the "-register" and "-name" parameters (and the correct server configuration file name) to establish a unique Root MPX Cache Agent service for each configuration.

Remote MPX Cache Agent You must edit the configuration file for each Remote MPX Cache Agent, setting the <server_names>, <CachePath>, and <MaxCacheSize> properties as appropriate. You should also define a <ContentSource> section with the appropriate <ServerGUID> value for each server configuration to be tracked.
Configure Clients Modify the StarTeam Cross-Platform Client to use ActiveMQ MPX using the Tools > Properties. See Configuring Clients in this guide.
Root and Remote MPX Cache Agents If you want to enable object caching, edit the <ObjectTypes> section of the corresponding configuration files.