Controlling Connections
You can control the total number of connections between Message Brokers and the total number of client connections to a Message Broker.
The Max_Server_Conns option controls the total number of connections that a Message Broker can have with other Message Brokers. This is all Message Broker-to-Message Broker connections, whether initiated inbound or outbound. If unspecified, the value is -1, which means unlimited. Since each Message Broker has its own .ini file, each Message Broker could have a different setting for this option. Consequently, it does not constrain the overall "cloud size". For example, even if every Message Broker’s value was set to 2, you could "daisy chain" a list of Message Brokers together. This option only applies to Message Brokers, so it can be used only in STMessageBroker68.ini files.
By default, it is set to 10:
setopt Max_Server_Conns 10
The Max_Client_Conns option controls the total number of client connections that a Message Broker will allow. If unspecified, the value is 2000. Because this is a per-Message Broker setting, it does not constrain the overall cloud size. It goes in the file ActiveMQMessageBroker.ini.
By default, it is set to 2000:
Max_Client_Conns 2000