Enabling Transmitters for Server Configurations

During the StarTeam Server installation, default template files (ActiveMQEventTransmitterTemplate.xml and MPXFileTransmitterTemplate.xml) are installed in the server_installation_path/Event Services folder. The StarTeam Server installation also creates folders for the MPXEventTransmitter.xml and MPXFileTransmitter.xml files of existing StarTeam Server configurations (if they do not already exist) and copies the template files to that folder, renaming them to MPXEventTransmitter.xml and MPXFileTransmitter.xml. The path to these files is <configuration_repository_path>/Event Services/ folder. However, you must have an Enterprise Advantage server in order to use the MPX File Transmitter.

When you create a new server configuration using the Server Administration, the new server configuration is automatically MPX-enabled. The XML files are copied from the default location to the <configuration_repository_path>/Event Services/ folder for the new server configuration. When creating a new server configuration using the StarTeamServer.exe command-line interface, the new server configuration is not automatically MPX-enabled. In this case, you must create the <configuration_repository_path>/Event Services/ folder for the new server configuration, copy the template files from <configuration_repository_path>/Event Services/ to the new folder, rename the template files to MPXEventTransmitter.xml and MPXFileTransmitter.xml, and edit them.

The MPX Event Transmitter enables basic MPX messaging. You can edit the default ActiveMQEventTransmitterTemplate.xml to include appropriate settings for all future server configurations. You can also edit each specific server configuration's file to include appropriate profiles, Message Broker settings, and so on.

The MPX File Transmitter requires the MPX Event Transmitter and controls the transmission of files and objects. You typically do not need to edit the MPX File Transmitter’s MPXFileTransmitter.xml file. Having a copy of it in the <configuration_repository_path>/Event Services/ folder is enough to enable the MPX File Transmitter and, in turn, the MPX Cache Agents.