Understanding Connection Profiles

Event Transmitters use a connection profile to determine which Message Broker to use. File Transmitters do not use profiles because they use the same profile as the matching Event Transmitters.

A connection profile defines connection and usage parameters for a single Message Broker Service.

One or more connection profiles are defined in the MPXEventTransmitter.xml file. You can define multiple connection profiles when multiple Message Brokers have been deployed, or when multiple profiles are desired with different connection parameters.

Within MPXEventTransmitter.xml, one connection profile is designated as the server default profile. This profile is used by the event transmitter when it initializes.

One connection profile is also designated as the client default profile, causing that profile to be the default profile used by StarTeam clients.

In environments that use a single Message Broker, only a single unicast connection profile is needed. That profile is designated as both the server and client default, and the specified Message Broker is used by all. This scenario is viable for small to moderate user communities having less than 100 users.