Adding Files to Projects

You can add files to a project folder if the files are in the correct working folder.

To add files from your workstation to a project folder, do the following:

  1. Put the files you want to add to the project into the local working folder that corresponds to the repository folder in StarTeam.
  2. Open the project view in StarTeam and select the folder to which you want to add the files.
  3. Select Files Not In View in the Filter list on the toolbar.

    This displays only the files in your working folder that have not been added to the project view.

  4. Select the file(s) you want to add to the project, and choose Files > Add Files.
  5. Type a generic description for all the files in the Add Files dialog box, or check Prompt for description for each file.
  6. Select an appropriate lock status for the files. The default status is Unlock.
  7. Check Link and pin process item to link the new files to process items, if process rules are enforced.
  8. Check the Mark selected process item as fixed/finished/complete check box, if work on the active process item is final.
  9. Check the Show property editor for selected process item check box to make changes to the selected process item's properties during the add process.
  10. Optionally select a revision label from the list for the Revision Label field, or create a new revision label by typing the label name.

    Existing labels list in reverse chronological order, based on the time at which they were created.

  11. Click OK.

Note: You can also click Advanced to select advanced options, such as performing an EOL conversion and selecting a file encoding. EOL conversion is based on the EOL settings in the Personal Options dialog box.

When you add new files to the project, the status for these files changes from Not In View to Current.

If you check Delete working files during check in, the status of the new files changes to Missing.