Changing View Compare/Merge Actions

This procedure describes how to resolve item conflicts in a View Compare/Merge session by changing the action you want applied to the target item. You can change merge actions for items with a status of Resolved or Unresolved.

To choose an action to resolve merge conflicts in a View Compare/Merge session (by changing the action you want applied to the target item), do the following:

  1. Start a View Compare/Merge session using the View Compare/Merge Wizard.
  2. Select an item in the upper pane of the Merge Perspective that has a status of Unresolved or Resolved.
  3. Right-click the selected item and choose an action.

    Tip: You can also change the action by using the menu available when you hover the mouse over an icon in the upper pane.

    When an unresolved item becomes resolved, View Compare/Merge changes the status to Resolved. When all conflicts are resolved, you can commit your changes to the target view.

To view the current merge action for all items in the Merge Perspective, display the Merge Action column in the upper pane. You can sort the Merge Action column, and change the current action for one or more selected items using the context menu or flyout menu.