Creating Projects
This section describes how to create projects and define various project properties.
New Project
To create a project, do the following:
- Start the StarTeam Cross-Platform Client.
- Open a StarTeam perspective or view.
- Choose
Project > New.
StarTeam > Project > New.
The New Project Wizard opens.
- Select a server configuration for the project from the
Server list.
Note: If the server you want is not in the Server/Project Tree, click Add Server and add it using the Add Server dialog box.
- Click Next to continue.
- Type the name and description for the new project in the Project Name and Project Description fields, and click Next.
Browse to the folder on your computer that will be the default working folder for the project root folder.
If the working folder does not exist, type the folder path and name and the New Project Wizard will create it.
Note: The default working folder must point to a location that is physically discrete for each user, such as a drive on your local computer or a personal directory on a shared file server.
Click Next.
Optionally, if the working folder has child folders, select any child folders you do not want added to the project and click Exclude.
Tip: Click Reset to include the previously excluded folders.
Click Finish to complete and open the project.
Note: After you create a project, the client window displays a hierarchical Folder Tree of folders in the current view of the project. You can add other folders, if desired.
Project Name
StarTeam > Project > Properties > Name
Following are the options on the Name page of the Project Properties dialog box.
Name | Specifies the project name. |
Description | Specifies the project description. |
Created By | Displays the name of the person who created the project. |
(Created) On | Displays the date on which the project was created. |
Type | Displays the project type. |
Project Options
StarTeam > Project > Properties > Options
Following are the options on the Options page of the Project Properties dialog box.
Keyword Expansion | Enables keyword expansion. |
Expand Keywords For These File Extensions | Restricts keyword expansion to files with the specified extensions. |
Require Revision Comment When Files Are Checked In | Specifies that revision comments are required when checking in files to the project. |
Require Exclusive Lock When Files Are Checked In |
Specifies that all files checked in the must be exclusively locked to enable check-in. If developers are using an application integration for a development environment, such as StarTeam Visual Studio Plugin, they cannot check in files from that environment if both the Require Exclusive Lock When Files are Checked In check box in the Project Properties dialog box, and the Use Non-exclusive Locks in Integrations check box on the Personal Options dialog box (File tab) are selected. In this situation, clear Use Non-exclusive Locks in Integrations to check files in. |
Mark Unlocked Working Files Read-Only |
Specifies that all unlocked working files are marked as read-only if they are checked in, checked out, or unlocked when file locking is required. This option applies to files that are unlocked in the application or in application integrations with third-party applications. The project property overrides the identical Mark Unlocked Working Files Read-only personal setting. |
Project Default Types
Project > Properties > Default Types
Select the item types to be included by default when creating a new view in a project. The new view will include items of the selected types from the parent view.
You can select any or none of the following item types:
- Change Request
- File
- Requirement
- Task
- Topic
Project Process Rules
StarTeam > Project > Properties > Process Rules
Following are the options on the Process Rules page of the Project Properties dialog box.
Require Selection Of Process Items When Files Are Added Or Checked In |
Enforces selection of process items when files are added or checked in. |
Permit Selection Of Change Requests As Process Items |
Permits the selection of change requests as process items, and restricts them based on which status fields are selected in the Restrict Status To check boxes:
Permit Selection Of Requirements As Process Items |
Permits the selection of requirements as process items, and restricts them based on which status fields are checked in the Restrict Status To check boxes:
Permit Selection Of Tasks As Process Items |
Permits the selection of tasks as process items, and restricts them based on which status fields are checked in the Restrict Status To check boxes:
Enable Enhanced Process Links |
Enables the client to use enhanced process links. If selected, the process item (that is, the item specified as the reason for making a given set of changes) is distinguished from the task that represents the act of making the associated changes in a particular view. Changes are linked to the process item indirectly, through a workspace (check-in) change package which is automatically created by the client. If not selected, standard links are used where the source of a process link is itself a process item. That is, if a given item is specified as the reason for a change, then process links are created directly from that process item to each changed file or folder. |
Project Editors
StarTeam > Project > Properties > Editors
Following are the check box options on the Editors page of the Project Properties dialog box.
Use Alternate Property Editor For Files | Specifies that for files, StarTeam should use the specified alternate property editor in the corresponding field. |
Use Alternate Property Editor For Change Requests | Specifies that for change requests, StarTeam should use the specified alternate property editor in the corresponding field. |
Use Alternate Property Editor For Requirements | Specifies that for requirements, StarTeam should use the specified alternate property editor in the corresponding field. |
Use Alternate Property Editor For Tasks | Specifies that for tasks, StarTeam should use the specified alternate property editor in the corresponding field. |
Use Alternate Property Editor For Topics |
Specifies that for topics, StarTeam should use the specified alternate property editor in the corresponding field. |
Note: Your company must use StarTeam Enterprise Advantage to be able to use APEs. For more information creating APEs, refer to the StarTeam Extensions User's Guide.