Creating Tasks

This topic describes how to create and customize tasks.

Creating Tasks and Sub-tasks

To create tasks and sub-tasks, do the following:

  1. Select a folder from the folder tree and click the Task tab in the upper pane.
  2. Click Task > New.

    The New Task dialog box opens.

  3. On the Task page of the New Task dialog box, type the Name of the task. You can use up to 255 characters for the task name.

    Note: Although the Responsibility field names the person primarily responsible for the completion of a task, additional people can be designated on the Resources tab.

  4. Optionally, check Milestone to indicate that the task should be treated as a milestone task. You can display the Milestone column in the task list and sort for the tasks that have been designated as milestones.
  5. Select the current status of the task from the Status list.


    Waiting for completion of a predecessor task.

    Ready To Start

    Work can be started on the task.

    In Progress

    Work has been entered for the task.


    Work is finished on the task.


    Task is completed and closed.


    Work temporarily stopped on the task, usually to wait for completion of another task.

  6. Choose a Priority level from the list. The priorities are identical to those used in Microsoft Project.

    Note: Do not use the priority Do Not Level. This priority is a Microsoft Project-specific term.

  7. Type the Duration which is the number of hours the task will take to complete. This field is disabled if the task contains sub-tasks since the duration of a task is dependent upon the duration of its sub-tasks.
  8. Type the Percent Complete which is the percentage of work already completed for this task. This field may range from 0-100. The default is 0 for new tasks.
  9. Optionally, check Needs Attention to notify team leaders or task reviewers that this task requires attention. Explain why this task needs attention in the text box. Team leaders can add the Needs Attention column to their task list and sort for items with this designation.
  10. Click OK.

    This creates a new task which will serve as the root of a task tree in the Task pane.

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Working with Attachments

For details on working with attachments, see Attachments.

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Customizing Tasks

If your administrator has created custom fields for the task component, you may be required to complete these fields when entering or modifying tasks or sub-tasks. The availability of custom fields depends upon your application license.

To set the values for custom properties:

  1. Select a folder from the folder tree and click the Task tab in the upper pane.
  2. Do one of the following:

    • Double-click a task or sub-task in the Task pane.
    • Select a task or sub-task in the Task pane and choose Task > Properties.
    • Right-click a task or sub-task in the Task pane and choose Properties.

    The Task Properties dialog box opens

  3. Double-click a custom property on the Custom tab to open the Edit Property dialog box.
  4. Type or select a new value for the property by double-clicking on the field:

    integer, text, and real fields

    Value is a text box.

    enumerated types and user IDs

    Value is a list box.

    dates and times

    Value has a Date check box and a Time check box, each of which is followed by a date or time in the format for your locale.

    Note: To enter a blank value for a GroupList or UserList property, click on a selected row to deselect it. When the item is no longer highlighted, click OK.

  5. Click OK.

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Adding Notes to Tasks

When you use the task component, you can enter additional information about the task or sub-task on the Notes tab in the Task Properties dialog box.

To add notes to tasks, do the following:

  1. Select a folder from the folder tree and click the Task tab in the upper pane.
  2. Do one of the following:

    • Double-click a task or sub-task in the Task pane.
    • Right-click a task or sub-task in the Task pane and choose Properties

    The Task Properties dialog box displays.

  3. Click the Notes tab and type notes about the task in the Notes field.
  4. Click OK.

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Working with Attachments

For details on working with attachments, see Attachments.

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