Deleting a Change Package

Prior to being committed, a change package object can be deleted. As with all versioned objects, the delete is “soft”, meaning the change package will no longer appear in the tip revision of the target view. However, if the target view is rolled back in time, a previously deleted change package will “reappear” and can be opened in read-only mode.

There is no way to “undelete” a change package. After a change package is committed, it cannot be directly deleted. Committed change packages are deleted only when the target view is deleted. Database information no longer needed by a deleted change package is removed during the database purge process.

Deleting a change package also causes it to be closed in the client. If any items were locked in the target view on behalf of the change package, the user is prompted as to whether to retain those locks or release them.

Note: Each change package is saved in the target view.

To delete a change package, do the following:

  1. In the StarTeam Cross-Platform Client, open the target view of the change package.
  2. On the right side of the toolbar, click the Show Change Perspective icon to switch to the Change Perspective.
  3. Select the change package
  4. Choose Change Package > Delete.

    This removes the .vcms and .vcmx session files that were previously saved locally or on the server.