File Properties

The File Properties dialog box contains tabbed pages of properties.

The following tables present the file properties and their descriptions as displayed in the File Properties dialog box.


The following properties are on the General tab.

Name Displays the name of the file.
Description Displays the description of the file.
Status Indicates the relationship between the copy of the file in your working folder and the tip revision in the repository.
Size Displays the size of the tip revision of the file in bytes.
Last Modified By Displays the name of the person who last modified the file.
Last Modified On Displays the date on which the file was last modified.
File Time Stamp Displays the time at which the file was last modified.
Locked Exclusively By Displays he name of the user who has exclusively locked the file.
Locked Non-Exclusively By The name of user who has non-exclusively locked a file.
EOL check-out format

Displays the options for EOL formatting for text files during check-out:

Client Defined: Causes workstation default or per-checkout EOL conversion option to be used.

Fixed CR, Fixed LF, and Fixed CRLF: Causes this EOL format to be used always; the workstation/check-out conversion option is ignored.

File type Indicates which file type is selected: ASCII, Binary, or Unicode.
Executable Indicates whether the executable bit should be set for a UNIX file.

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Working File

The following properties are on the Working File tab.

Path Displays the Path to the working folder for the file.
File Exists Indicates whether the file exists in the working folder.
Size Displays size of the file in the working folder in bytes.
Time Stamp Displays the time that the working folder file was last modified.
Executable Indicates whether the executable bit should be set for a UNIX file.

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You can create custom properties for an item which will display in the item Properties dialog box.

The following properties are on the Custom tab.

Property Displays each custom property name.
Value Displays the values for each custom property. Double-click the property name to edit the value.

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The following properties are on the Comment tab.

Comment For This Revision Displays the reason for the changes to the current revision.
Comment For New Revision Displays the reason for the changes to the new revision.

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