File Status Information
The operations you can perform on a particular file depend upon the status of the file. A successful check-in or check-out operation updates the status of your working file to Current, unless you check out a historical revision or delete the file. This list includes all status classes and shows their effects on check-ins and check-outs.
Current |
The tip revision of this file is in your working folder.
Ignore |
Ignore acts as a note to self to ignore the marked files. It does not change any functionality within the files or within StarTeam. You can restore files back to their StarTeam status when you are done ignoring them. Right-click the file and select Ignore or Restore.
Missing |
The file is not in your working folder.
Merge |
The file in your working folder has been modified, but is not based on the tip (latest) revision of this file. This status usually occurs when you and another person have both been working on a file, but the other person has checked it in before you.
Modified |
Your working file has been altered and is based on the tip revision of this file.
Not in view |
The file is in your working folder, but not in the project view.
Out of Date |
The file in your working folder is an outdated revision of the file. If you need the current revision, you should check it out.
Unknown |
The file in the working folder has the same name as a file in the view, but the file in the view has not been checked out from the repository. You may have copied it from another location.