Filtering Items in a View Compare/Merge Session

You can use filters in a View Compare/Merge session to limit the data shown on the upper pane, just as you do in a normal view in the StarTeam client. StarTeam provides a specific set of View Compare/Merge fields and predefined filters to use in View Compare/Merge sessions. You can also add new filters based on View Compare/Merge fields.

Using a Predefined Filter

To use a predefined filter, do the following:

  1. Click a component tab in the upper pane of the Merge Perspective or Test Perspective.
  2. Select a filter from the Filters list. Each perspective contains a different list of filters. Also, there are two filter lists in the Compare Perspective: one for item types, and one for status and merge actions.

    Note: Only filters containing View Compare/Merge fields can be used in the Merge Perspective. View Compare/Merge fields are: Default Action, Difference Type, Is Action Overridden?, Merge Action, and Merge Status.

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Saving the Current Arrangement as a Filter

To save the current arrangement as a filter, do the following:

  1. Click a component tab in the upper pane of the Merge Perspective or Test Perspective.

    Click a component tab in the upper pane of the Merge Perspective or Test Perspective.

  2. Sort and group the data shown on the upper pane, as desired.

  3. Right-click a column header in the upper pane and choose Save Current Settings from the context menu. The SaveCurrent Settings dialog box opens.

  4. Type a name for this filter in the Filter Name field.

  5. Do one of the following:

    • Select Public to add this filter to the project so anyone with the appropriate access rights can use it.
    • Clear Public to make the filter private, available only to your user ID.
  6. Click OK.

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