Finding Items
You can search all items displayed in the upper pane for the data contained in any displayed field. For example, you can locate a change request by its number or search for a file with a particular name, status, time stamp, or size.
If you want to search a field that is not displayed, double-click a column header in the upper pane, select Show Fields from the context menu, select the desired field, and click Add.
To find items by using field content, do the following:
- Select a folder from the folder tree or in the upper pane on the Folder tab.
- Click a component tab.
Enter CTRL+F.
The Find dialog box opens.
Type part or all of the data in the Search For field.
Note: Wild cards are not supported.
- Select Forward to search the upper pane from the top to the bottom, or select Backward to search the upper pane from the bottom to the top.
- Select Starting at: Currently Selected Item to begin searching from the item that is presently selected, or select Starting at: First Item to search from the first item in the upper pane.
- Select either All Displayed Fields or This Field. If you select This field, select the field for which you want to search from the list.
- Check Match Case if a case-sensitive search is appropriate.
- Click Find to search.
Tip: Use F3 to find the next item that matches the search text and Shift+F3 to find the previous item that matches the search text.