Managing Classic Reports

This topic describes how to create, print and define the save path of classic reports.

Creating Classic Reports

All Classic reports that you create in the application show all or some portion of the data displayed in the upper pane. All Classic reports are generated in HTML format.

Note: You can also create reports using StarTeam Datamart. Refer to the StarTeam Datamart User Guide for more information.

To create a classic report, do the following:

  1. Select a folder from the folder tree.
  2. Click a component tab.
  3. Choose Reports from the component or context menu.

    The Reports dialog displays the Available Reports list.

  4. Select the Classic Reports option.
  5. From the Available Reports list, choose the type of the report you want to generate.
  6. Do one of the following:

    • To include only the items selected on the upper pane, select the Current Selection option button.
    • To include all items displayed in the upper pane, select the Select All option button.
  7. Type or browse to the path and report filename in the Output file name field.

    Be sure to use .htm or .html as the file extension.

    Note: By default, the default report filename uses the convention <STReport><date><alphanumeric code>.html (for example, STReport2006-07-24T22-03-59Z.html).

  8. Type a name for your report in the Report title field.
  9. Click Generate to view the report on screen. Your web browser opens and displays your report. In addition, the report is saved in the location specified above.

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Printing Classic Reports

To print a report, do the following:

  1. Create the report and display it in the browser.
  2. Right-click in the browser and choose Print.

    The Print dialog box opens.

  3. Set the print options and click Print.

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Configuring the Output Path for Classic Reports

You can customize the location in which you store the Classic reports you create. If desired, when you create a report, you can select an alternative location.

To configure where reports are saved, do the following:

  1. Choose Tools > Personal Options to open the Personal Options dialog box.
  2. Select the Workspace tab.
  3. Type or browse for a path for the Report output path field. This path becomes the default location for all reports that you create using the application.

    Note: The path you specify for Output filename in the Reports dialog overrides the default report output path specified in Personal Options.

  4. Click OK.

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