Modifications to Existing Fields

You can modify some existing property fields and any custom fields that have been created. The property fields that can be modified are always enumerated types.

For example, Priority is an existing change request property that can be customized. On the Synopsis tab of the Change Request Properties dialog box, Priority has the values Yes and No, but is implemented as an enumerated type with Yes having the numeric code of 1 and No having the numeric code of 0. If your company prefers to prioritize change requests on a scale from 1 (high) to 10 (low), you can add additional values. You can use the current numeric codes 0 and 1 with new names or disable them.

Tip: Try to take advantage of the existing codes in some way. {TheNote

For example, you might change the name of the enumerated value No to Not Prioritized. Then you can query for Priority equal to 0 to identify the change requests that need to be prioritized.

You might also change the name Yes to Priority 1, as it already has the code 1. Then you can add additional values for Priority 2 through Priority 10. Any numeric codes that you assign must have a value greater than 100, because the application reserves the values 0 through 100 for internal uses. So you might add a value with the name Priority 2 and the numeric code 101, Priority 3 with the numeric code 102, and so on.

Tip: Queries use the numeric codes to make comparisons based on enumerated values. Using the above codes, you can write a query to locate Priorities 1, 2, and 3, by querying for Priority greater than 0 and less than 103.

By default, sort and list boxes display items in the order that they appear in the Add Field or Modify Field dialog boxes. You can use the sort options to sort by name in ASCII or alphabetical order.