Moving Folders or Items
Folders and items, such as files (including Not in View files) and change requests, can be moved from one project view to another as long as the two views are on the same server configuration. Moving a folder also moves its contents, its child folders, and their contents. When an item is moved to another project view, it belongs to the new view, although its behavior, configuration, and other properties do not change. It loses any labels it had in the previous view, however, because labels cannot move from view to view. Also, if you roll back the view to an earlier point in time, you will no longer see the folders and/or items that have been moved.
Moving a folder or item within a view causes that folder or item to be copied in that view's child or parent views, if branching has not occurred. In this application, a move is a copy operation followed by a delete operation, and delete operations are not propagated from view to view for folders and items that have not branched. Therefore, the view in which the move was made has one copy of the folder or item in the new location, while the related views have two copies of the folder or item, one in the original location and one in the new location, the equivalent of a share.
Note: When you move a folder or an item, the access rights set at the folder or item level accompany it. Also, in some cases, moving a folder or item to another view enables its disabled Branch on Change check box.
Moving a Folder or Item Within the Same View
To move a folder or item within the same view, do the following:
Choose Project > Open.
The Project View window opens.
- Drag the folder or item that is to be moved from one location in the view to another.
Tip: You can optionally move the working folder/file using this dialog box. This option is automatically selected. If you do not want to move the working folder or file, clear the check box.
- A message box appears asking you to confirm.
- Click Yes.
Moving a Folder or Item Between Two Different Views
To move a folder or item between two different views, do the following:
Choose Project > Open.
The Project View window opens.
- Choose Project > Open to open a second project in another window.
- Make sure both project views are visible. Use one of the Window menu commands (Cascade, Tile Vertically or Tile Horizontally) to this, and resize the windows if required.
- Drag the folder or item from one view to the other.
- A message box appears asking you to confirm.
- Click Yes.
Caution: You cannot move tasks and sub-tasks that have been exported from Microsoft Project to StarTeam.