New Query Options

This topic describes the options in the New Query dialog box.

Component > Filters > Queries

Click New to define a new query in the New Query dialog box.

Note: You can also access the Queries dialog box from the context menu by right-clicking on a column title in any component.


Displays the query definition parameters.

Name Enter a unique name for the new query.
Public Check Box Check to give the query public status. Public queries can be used by anyone with the appropriate access rights, while private queries are available only to your user ID. Once a query has been saved with a specific status, its status cannot be changed. However, you can copy a query and change the state of the new query.
Query List Displays the query definition. By default, the AND condition appears as a starting logical condition.
Logical node

Use to choose the logical operator for each condition.

AND Click to add an AND condition to the query.
OR Click to add an OR condition to the query.
NOT Click to add a NOT condition to the query.
AND->OR->NOT Click to toggle the default AND condition to an OR or NOT condition.
Remove Click to delete the currently selected condition. You must confirm the deletion.
Condition Node

Use to define the conditions for the logical operator.

Field Lists all the fields available for this component.
Operator Lists all of the operators that can be specified for the selected field.
Value Use to specify a value for this field and condition.
Show advanced fields check box Select to display all possible fields including the advanced fields.
Show deleted users check box (optional) For components with user fields only (such as the Change Requests component), select to show deleted users in the query results.
Alphabetical check box (optional) For enumerated fields only (fields that have specified values), select to alphabetize the query results rather than list them in the order in which they appear in the enumeration list.
Add Click to add the condition to the query definition.
Modify Click to modify the selected query condition.
Delete Click to delete the selected query condition.
View as Text button Displays the current query definition in a field.
Save button Saves the query.
Cancel button Cancels the query definition.

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