Topic Menu

The Topic menu is always available on the main window, regardless of the component selected from the upper pane. Depending upon the privileges assigned to you and the activities you need to perform, some options may not be enabled.

Action Description
New Creates a new item.
Respond Send a reply to a previous message.
Properties Opens the <<Component Type>> Properties dialog box for the selected item.
Copy URL to Clipboard Places in the clipboard a plain text version of the URL to the selected items and an HTML representation of the links to the selected items. From the clipboard, you can paste the URL to a selected application.
Send To E-mail a copy of the item properties to one or more team members.
Save Shortcut Creates a shortcut to the selected item. You can use the shortcut to start the application, open the project view in the configuration in which the shortcut was created, and open the Properties dialog box for the selected item.
Lock/Unlock Opens the Set My Lock Status dialog box where you can specify the lock status (Unlocked, Exclusive, or Non-Exclusive) for the folder or break an existing lock on an item.
Compare Properties Compares the properties of two selected items.
Labels > New Opens the Attach a New Revision Label dialog box where you can create a new revision label and attach it to the selected item or item(s).
Labels > Attach Opens the Attach a Label dialog box where you can add an existing label to the selected items(s).
Labels > Detach Opens the Detach a Label dialog box where you can remove a label from the selected items(s).
Advanced > Export Opens the Export dialog box where you can export the data displayed in the upper pane for use in a spreadsheet, database, or another application.
Advanced > Behavior Opens the <<Item Type>> Behavior dialog box where you can view or change the behavior of the selected item.
Advanced > Access Rights Opens the <<Item Type>> Access Rights dialog box for the selected item.
Advanced > Component Access Rights Opens the <<Item Type>> Component Access Rights dialog box.
Advanced > Customize Opens the Customize dialog box where you can create custom fields that become item properties.
Advanced > View Compare/Merge Opens the View Compare/Merge Wizard.
Select > All Selects all items displayed in the upper pane.
Select > By Query Opens the Select Query dialog box where you can specify a query that selects all items displayed in the upper pane that match the specified query.
Select > By Label Opens the Select a Label dialog box where you can specify a label that selects all items displayed in the upper pane that have the specified label.
Expand All Expands all the groups in the list.
Collapse All Collapses all the groups in the list.
All Descendants Displays all items associated with the folder selected from the folder hierarchy and all of its child folders. When this option is not selected, the upper pane displays only those items associated with the selected folder.
Mark as Read Displays the selected items in regular font (not bold), which indicates that they have been read.
Mark as Unread Displays the selected items in bold font, which indicates that they have not been read.
Mark Thread as Read Displays the entire thread in regular type, which indicates that the items it contains have been read.
Mark Thread as Unread Displays the entire thread in boldface type, which indicates that the items it contains have not been read.
Flag Flags an item. Only you can see and remove your flags. When an item is flagged, Yes displays in the Flag column in the upper pane.

Note: This column does not display by default. Choose <<Component Type>> > Filters > Show Fields to add the column to the upper pane.

Remove Flag Removes the flag from an item.
Delete Deletes the item from the StarTeam repository.
Find Finds all items containing text that matches the specified text string.
Find Next Finds the next item containing text that matches the specified text string.
Find Previous Finds the previous item containing text that matches the specified text string.
Filters > Show Fields Opens the Show Fields dialog box where you can select which column headers to display in the upper pane.
Filters > Sort and Group Opens the Sort and Group dialog box where you can specify how to sort and group the data in the upper pane based on up to four item properties.
Filters > Queries Opens the Queries dialog box where you can create or apply a query. Items that match the query become the rows displayed in the upper pane.
Filters > Save Current Settings Opens the Save Current Settings dialog box where you can save the current column headers, query, and method of sorting and grouping as a filter, which can be reapplied in the future.
Filters > Reset Current Settings Returns to the current default filter as defined on the server.
Filters > Filters Opens the Filters dialog box where you can display the filters available for this component. This option allows you to select a filter or create a new one. An asterisk preceding a filter name in the filter list indicates that you have changed the contents of the upper pane since the filter was applied. For example, you may have displayed additional fields, grouped the items differently, or applied another query.
Reports Opens the Reports dialog box where you can create a report using the selected item.
Charts > Simple Creates a simple chart. A simple chart contains only one series.
Charts > Distribution Creates a distribution chart. A distribution chart is the same as a pie chart. Each wedge indicates what fraction of the whole a group represents.
Charts > Correlation Creates a correlation chart. A correlation chart shows the relationship or degree of relationship between numeric values in several series.
Charts > Time-series Creates a time-series chart. A time-series chart is a line chart that shows the number of items that have the same day, week, or month in the specified time/date field.
Links > Create Link Start a link from a selected item to another item.
Links > Complete Link Complete the link from an item to the selected item.
Links > Cancel Link Stop the process of creating a link.
Set Active Process Item > Current View Designates the selected item in the current view as the active process item. Active process items are used when you add items to a view or check them in.
Set Active Process Item > Select View Designates the selected item in an alternate view as the active process item. Active process items are used when you add items to a view or check them in.
Clear Active Process Item Changes the selected item from Active to Inactive. Active process items are used when you add items to a view or check them in.