Versioning Object Properties

Lists and defines the common properties of all versioning properties for objects that use versioning.

The common properties of all objects that use versioning are summarized below.

External Name Internal Name Type Description
Comment Comment text This calculated property provides the object’s revision comment regardless of whether it is stored in the ShortComment or LCOMM table.
CommentID CommentID int If a revision comment < 2,000 characters exists, this field is a foreign key to the LCOMM table that contains the full comment.
Created By CreatedUserID int ID of the user that first created the object.
Created Time CreatedTime timestamp Date/time at which the object was created.
Deleted By DeletedUserID int ID of the user that deleted the object. -1 means the object is still “live”.
Deleted Time DeletedTime timestamp Date/time that the object was deleted. 0 means object is still “live”. Non-zero means the record is soft-deleted.
Dot Notation DotNotation text This calculated property is the dotted-notation representation of the object’s version.
End Modified Time EndModifiedTime timestamp Date/time that this object revision was replaced by another revision. 0 identifies the latest (tip) revision.
Locked By ExclusiveLocker int ID of the user that currently has the object exclusively locked. -1 means the object is not exclusively locked.
Modified By ModifiedUserID int ID of the user that last modified the object.
Modified Time ModifiedTime timestamp Date/time that the object was last modified.
My Lock MyLock int This client-calculated property indicates if the current user has this object locked.
New Revision Comment NewRevisionComment text This client-calculated property serves as a place holder for a new revision comment value.
Non-Exclusive Lockers NonExclusiveLockers text List of users that currently have the object non-exclusively locked, if any.
Object ID ID int ID that is unique to each object in the database.
Read Only ReadOnly int This calculated property indicates if the object is currently read-only.
Revision Flags RevisionFlags int This field is currently always zero.
Short Comment ShortComment text Value of the revision comment if it is less than 2,000 characters.
Version RevisionNumber int Revision number of this object revision. 0 = first revision.