View Compare/Merge Process

The following list of procedures presents the basic high-level tasks involved in performing a view compare/merge in StarTeam using View Compare/Merge.

  1. Prepare your files for a View Compare/Merge session.
  2. Start a View Compare/Merge session using the View Compare/Merge Wizard.
  3. Resolve merge conflicts between the views.
  4. Change any actions proposed by View Compare/Merge that you consider inappropriate for this session.
  5. Test the merge changes to make sure they are all correct.
  6. Generate a View Compare/Merge session report of all the merge changes.
  7. Commit the merge changes.

Note: If you need to stop work on the change session before resolving and committing the changes, or you want to finish it later after having someone else review the proposed changes, you can use one of the VCM Session menu items Save, Save to Local, or Export before committing the session. StarTeam creates a Change Package object with a unique name in the target view which contains all the changes proposed for that change session. It is then available in the Change Perspective where it can later be restarted, reviewed, committed, and once committed, have the session Replayed which reuses the change package session to apply the same set of changes to another view.


For details on each of these procedures, see: