Specifies the database connection information. Enter the existing
Database Server Name
In releases 5.1 and 5.2, Oracle databases were accessed using the Oracle net service name that is stored in $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/tnsnames.ora. This is no longer the case.
The value you specify for "DatabaseServerName" is stored in the starteam-serverconfigs.xml file. You can review or modify the database connection information by using:
- The -view and -edit options from the command line.
- Database tab of the StarTeam Server Configuration dialog box in StarTeam Administration.
- Database tab of the <Server configuration> Properties dialog box in Server Administration.
Modifications take effect the next time you start the server configuration.
Use with: -new, -edit, -start, and -restart.
-dbserver "DatabaseServerName"
starteamserver -edit MyServer -dbserver