Branch: branch

Use branch to change the behavior of any StarTeam artifact.


The syntax for this command is:

branch -p "user:pwd@host:port/project/view" [
-epwdile "pathToPasswordFile" ] [ -csf ] -type "typeName" -id itemID [ -boc true|false ] [ -vctip | -vclbl labelid |
-vcps promotionstateid | -vcdttm "datetimestring"
-pattern "datetimepattern" ]


For information about the command parameters, refer to Operation Parameters.

The following parameters are optional. If not specified, they default to the view level behavior.



-boc Set to true for branch on change ON, false for branch on change OFF.
-vctip Specifies that the new share floats.
-vclabel Specifies that the new share is pinned to the specified label. A label is identified by either the unique integer ID or the label name.
-vcps Specifies that the new share is pinned to the specified promotion state. A promotion state is identified by either the unique integer promotion state ID or the promotion state name.
-vcdttm Specifies that the new share is pinned to the specified point in time. An optional -pattern describes the syntax of the date time string, just like in other commands.