VCMUtility Cheat Sheet
VCMUtility command-line syntax:
VCMUtility [<options file>] [*<option>]
Within the <options file>, each <option> must begin in column 1 but can continue on subsequent lines if those lines begin with a space or tab character. When typing options in the command line, each <option> must be preceded with a "-".
The information below lists all the VCMUtility command-line options and their syntax.
<option> <command> | <connection option> | <session option> | <miscellaneous option>
<command> | {{Help | H | ?} [<help topic>]} | {Delete <VCM session file>}| {Import <VCM archive file} | {Open <Change Package name>} | {Replay <Change Package name>} | {Resume <VCM session file>} |
<connection option> | {{AutoLogon | AL} [True | False]} | {{Encryption | Encrypt | En} {None | RC4 | RC2_ECB | RC2_CBC | RC2_CFB}} | {{PwdFile | PF} <file name>} | {{Server | S} [<user>[:<password>]@]<host>[:<port>]} | {{UseCA | UCA} {<host>:<port> | AutoLocate}} | {{UseServerProfile | USP} [True | False]} |
<session option> | {{AutoMergeFiles | AMF} [True | False]} | {{AutoMergeProperties | AMP} [True | False]} | {{BreakLocks | BL} [True | False]} | {{CaseSensitiveFilenames | CSF} [True | False]} | {{CheckoutPreview | check-out | CP} <files> [<check-out opotions>]} | {{CommitMerge | Commit | CM} [True | False]} | {{DefaultAction | DA} [MergeType <merge type>] [ItemType <item type>] <match state> <action>} | {{DefaultComment | DC} <comment>} | {{Description |} <description>} | {{Exclude | Exc} <folders>} | {{Export | Exp} <VCM archive file>} | {{FixFloatingChildShares | True | False} | {{IgnoreMergePoints | IMP} [True | False]} | {{Include | Inc} {<change requests> | <files> | <folders> | <process items> | <requirements> | <revision labels> | <tasks> | <topics>}} | {{LockMergeConflicts | LMC} {None | Source | Target | Both}} | {{ManualMergeFiles | MMF} [True | False]} | {{Match [Folder] *{<folder path> to <folder path>}} | {{MergeType | Type | MT} {Compare | Rebase | Promote | Replicate}} | {(Name |Na} <Change Package name>} | {{PostCommitLabel | PostCL} <label>} | {{PostCommitRevLabel | PostRL} <label>} | {{PreCommitLabel | PreCL} <label>} | {{PreCommitRevLabel | PreRL} <label>} | {{PreventDuplicateFilenames | PDF} [True | False]} | {{Project | Pro} <project>} | {{ReportDiffs | RD} [True | False]} | {{ReportUpdates | RU} [True | False]} | {Save [<VCM session file>]} | {{SourceLabel | SrcLabel | SL} <label>} | {{SourceState | SrcState | SS} <state>} | {{SourceTime | SrcTime | ST} {<timestamp> | Now}} | {{SourceView | Source | SV} <view>} | {{TargetLabel | TgtLabel | TL} <label>} | {{TargetState | TgtState | TS} <state>} | {{TargetView | Target | TV} <view} | |
<miscellaneous option> | {{NetMon | NM} [True | False]} | {{Time | T} [True | False]} | {{Verbose | Vb | V} [True | False]} | |
Other Syntax Elements
The following table lists other syntax elements in alphabetical order:
<action> | Delete | DeleteAndReverseShare | Fail | Ignore | Merge | Move | MoveAndMerge | MoveAndRepin | NeedsReview | Overwrite | Repin | RepinAndMove | ReverseShare | Share |
<change requests> | {CR | CRs | ChangeRequests} {ALL | *<CR #>} |
<Change Package name> | {A name consisting of one or more characters} |
<check-out options> | [+cwf] [+eol {on | off | cr | lf}] [+filter {CGIMOU}] [+o] [+ro] [+rp <work folder path>] |
<condition name> | items.binaryfile | items.branched | items.samecontent | source.childshare | source.deleted | source.floating | source.modified | source.moved | source.present | source.rootbranch | target.childshare | target.deleted | target.floating | target.modified | target.moved | target.present | target.parentdeleted | target.rootbranch |
<condition value> | True | False | Unspecified |
<files> | [File | Files] {ALL | *{<file name pattern>} [+<depth>]}} |
<folder path> | {A slash followed by an optional series of folder names each ending with a slash} |
<folders> | [Folder | Folders] {ALL | *{<folder path>} [+<depth>] *[<item type>]}} |
<item condition> | <condition name> [<condition value>] |
<item type> | {ChangeRequest | CR | ChangeRequests | CRs} | {File | Files} | {Folder | Folders} | {Requirement | Req | Requirements | Reqs} {Task | Tasks} {Topic | Topics} |
<match state> | *<item condition> |
<process items> | ProcessItems *{[View <view>] CR <CR #> | [View <view>] Req <Req #> | [View <view>] Task <Task #>} |
<requirements> | {Requirement | Req | Requirements | Reqs} {ALL | *<Req #>} |
<revision labels> | RevLabels *<label> |
<task> | {Task | Tasks} {ALL | *<Task #>} |
<timestamp> | Example formats: "3/11/06 1:32 PM" "Mar 11, 2006 1:32:38 PM" "March 11, 2006 1:32:38 PM PST" "Saturday, March 11, 2006 1:32:38 PM PST" |
<topics> | {Topic | Topics} {ALL | *<Topic #>} |
<VCM exchange file> | A .vcms file name |
<VCM session file> | A .vcms file name |