Delete Local Files: delete-local

Use delete-local to delete files from a working folder and the working folder itself, if empty of files, resulting from executing this command . You can delete files that are under version control, as well as files that are not in StarTeam. This action does not remove any files from version control. It merely reduces the amount of data stored on your workstation in a working folder. If you are deleting files based on their StarTeam status, it is a good idea to use update-status first.


The syntax for this command is:

stcmd{Ex} delete-local [-p "projectSpecifier" [-epwdfile "filePath"] 
[-cmp] [-csf] [-encrypt encryptionType] ] [-is] [-nivf] [-rp "folderPath" | 
-fp "folderPath"] [-filter "fileStatus"] [-cfgl "labelName" | 
-cfgp "stateName" | -cfgd "asOfDate"] [-q|-pf “filterName”] 
[-ofp “resultsOutputFilePath”]  [files...] 


For information about the command parameters, refer to Operation Parameters.


The following example uses delete-local to delete some files from the working folder for the StarTeam folder named SourceCode. SourceCode is a child of the root folder StarDraw (in the StarDraw view of the StarDraw project). This example deletes all files that are not under version control. Those files have the file status Not In View.

Use the -p with delete-local or the stateful set command to set the context of the project/view/parent folder.

stcmd delete-local -filter "N" "*"