Lock Unlock Files: lck
Use lck to lock or unlock files from the command line.
The syntax for this command is:
stcmd{Ex} lck [-is] [-rp "folderPath" | -fp "folderPath"] [-filter "fileStatus"] [-break] [-l |-u | -nel] [-type -id] [-ro | -rw]] [-pf “filterName”] [-ofp “resultsOutputFilePath”] [files...]
For information about the command parameters, refer to Operation Parameters.
The following example uses stcmd lck to unlock all files in SourceCode, a child of the root folder StarDraw (in the StarDraw view of the StarDraw project), as well as all files in child folders of SourceCode.
Use the -p with lck or the stateful set command to set the context of the project/view/parent folder.
stcmd lck -is -u "*"
Use lck with -type and -id to specify a lock on a non-file artifact. For example:
stcmd lck –l –type task –id 1234567 –p “user:pwd@host:port/projectName/viewName/”
The -id parameter is either the view member ID (preferred) of the artifact or the primary property value, e.g. task number, which is slower.