Remove Files: remove

Use remove to remove files from version control. The specified files and their revision histories no longer appear in StarTeam unless you roll back the project view to a time before they were removed.


The syntax for this command is:

stcmd{Ex} remove [-p "projectSpecifier" [-epwdfile "filePath"] [-cmp] [-csf] 
[-encrypt encryptionType] ] [-is] [-rp "folderPath" | -fp "folderPath"] 
[[ -active | [-cr | -req | -task ] processItemPath] [-filter "fileStatus"] 
[-df] [-q|-pf “filterName”] [-ofp “resultsOutputFilePath”] [files...]


For information about the command parameters, refer to Operation Parameters.


The following example uses remove to remove all .hm files from SourceCode, a child of the root folder StarDraw (in the StarDraw view of the StarDraw project), as well as all files in child folders of SourceCode. It also deletes the working files.

Use the -p with remove or the stateful set command to set the context of the project/view/parent folder.

stcmd remove -rp "StarDraw/StarDraw/SourceCode" -is -df "*.hm"