
Specifies the action to perform for a given source/target item difference.

An <action> is one of the following mnemonics:



Delete Delete the target item.
DeleteAndReverseShare Equivalent to a Delete followed by a ReverseShare.
Fail Synonym for NeedsReview (see below).
Ignore Take no action.
MarkResolved Create a merge point only that marks the source and target items as resolved.
Merge Merge the source and target items.
Move Move the target item to the equivalent folder as the source item.
MoveAndMerge Equivalent to a Move followed by a Merge.
MoveAndOverwrite Equivalent to a Move followed by an Overwrite.
MoveAndRepin Equivalent to a Move followed by a Repin.
NeedsReview Force a review before a commit. That is, do not allow commit while this action is selected. Item differences with this action are conflicts, therefore, their action must be changed to something else.
Overwrite Overwrite the target with the contents of the source.
Repin Change the revision to which the target is pinned to match the source item.
ReverseShare Move the source item to the target view and share it back to the source view.
Share Share the source item to the target view.

Note: Not every <action> is valid for every item difference For example, Delete is not valid when the target item is already deleted.