
[File | Files] {ALL | *{<file name pattern> [+depth>]}}

Specifies all files in the view or a set of specific files, given as a list of file names and/or patterns, each with an optional folder <depth>. The keyword File (or Files) is optional unless the keyword All is used. A <file name pattern> can be a specific file name (for example, foo.java), a file name pattern (for example, *.java), or a file name or pattern with a folder path (for example, (/src/com/acme/foo.java) or /src/com/acme/*.java).


Folder paths must use forward slashes; a single slash (/) is a synonym for the root folder. (Consistent with other [[StartTeam]] utilities, the root folder name, which typically matches the view name, should not be provided in path names.)

  • If a filename or pattern is provided without a folder path, the implied folder is the same as the previous <file name pattern> parameter.
  • If the first <file name pattern> parameter does not contain a folder path, the root folder is implied.
  • If provided, the folder <depth> specifies the number of child folder levels below the specified folder to include; it can be a number or the keyword All.
  • If a file or pattern name contains spaces, it must be enclosed in quotes.


Below are examples of <files> usage:

// all files in the view
include Files ALL

//foo.java and bar.java in folder /src/com/acme
include /src/com/acme/foo.java bar.java

// all .java files in folder /src/com/acme and below
include /src/com/acme/*.java +all

// all .txt files in the root folder, all .zip file in first-level
// child folders, and a specific readme.txt file
include *.txt *.zip +1 /docs/acme/readme.txt