Datamart Extractor

Datamart Extractor reads an extraction file to initialize. The file details the connection and login parameters for the database and StarTeam Server. It also has the list of tables to extract, the project and view to extract, and an update option.

You can place information from multiple servers into one database by defining multiple extraction properties files. You do not need to create a new database for each properties file.

With SQL Server, Datamart creates additional tables when SQL Server is in danger of exceeding the row size limit (8060 bytes), because of the number and size of custom fields and item types. The additional tables contain the same primary key as the main table and any additional fields. Reports will require you to join the tables before performing other operations on them.

When a table is created, it includes all existing custom fields for that type. However, if a custom field is created after the utility is running in update mode, the new custom field is skipped.

If you requested specific access rights within a type, and want to extract the container access rights for a particular item type, you must request that item type as well.

It is recommended that a StarTeam Server user with full access rights to all StarTeam Server items run Datamart Extractor. If there are access rights limitations, the data extracted reflects only what the user has access to.

Note: Refer to the StarTeam Server Release Notes for information on supported databases and system requirements.

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