What's New in StarTeam 17.1

This topic describes the new and enhanced features available with StarTeam 17.1.

StarTeam Integrations

StarTeam 17.1 integrations include the following:

  • StarTeam Visual Studio Plugin

  • StarTeam Eclipse Plugin

  • StarTeam Microsoft SCC Integration

  • StarTeam Quality Center Synchronizer

Visual Studio Plugin and Eclipse Plugin now support SSO and MFA capabilities. For details, see Single Sign-on/Multi-factor authentication.

All the 17.1 Integration builds are bundled with the latest version of 17.1 SDK.

For details, see Plugins and Integrations.

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New access right to unfreeze a label

This access right will automatically grant the right to "Modify Label ". Please note that we don’t have a separate access right for “freeze a label” as it is expected that users with access rights “Modify Label” or “Modify Revision Label” should freeze a label.

OpenText Pulse enhancements

OpenText Pulse is a web application that enables development teams to continuously examine the health and quality of their changes, through code reviews, pull requests, changeset visualizations and continuous inspection.

A chain could be a build, a quality or security scan, or some other scheduled or continuous evaluation job running against your source code. Chains are executed using Pulse Agents which are small Java applications typically distributed over multiple machines. Agents are optional but installing additional Pulse Agents, connected to your primary Pulse server, can improve the scalability of executing chains. Only Pulse administrators can configure their instance to run chains.

Pulse Agent installers are available for download from support line.  For more information on how to configure and use Pulse Agents, please refer to the PulseUno online documentation.

Enforceable Code Review for VCM uncommitted Change Packages using Pulse

StarTeam 17.0 introduced Pulse code review capabilities for code reviews. This exciting technology helped teams to continuously examine the health and quality of their changes and decide if the changes are ready to be merged or released: Team members can not only collaborate to conduct peer reviews of code changes but also view recent activity in projects and views.

StarTeam 17.1 extends the code review functionality to cross view (VCM Promote, Rebase or Replicate) change packages. Administrator can control whether the code reviews should be performed before change packages can actually be committed.

IMPORTANT: You need to configure Pulse either as an Administrator or as a user with Administrator Privileges. It is recommended to restart “StarTeam Web Service” running on StarTeam Server Machine after configuring Pulse.

After the installation, the Pulse web application is configured to run as a service with the name ‘StarTeam Search Web Service’.

Please use the URL http://<machine name>:< RESTServicePort>/pulse/ to login to the service.

The default RESTServicePort, as configured, is 9090. Please verify this with your System Administrator.

Pulse is configured to use StarTeam authentication.

When logging in through the browser, you will need to provide your StarTeam credentials to connect.

When logging in through the CPC, the credentials are automatically accessed from the local credential cache.

Note that only the StarTeam user whose credentials are used to configure Pulse has Pulse admin privileges granted.

Only the user with Pulse administrative privileges can register StarTeam Projects in Pulse.

Also note that StarTeam Projects must be registered in Pulse (using the browser based web UI) before the code review functionality is accessible, either from a browser or the StarTeam CPC.

To register a StarTeam Project in Pulse:

  1. Login to Pulse via a browser. Use the URL http://<machine name>:< RESTServicePort>/pulse/ with pulse administrative privilege
  2. Go to Suites and select Main suite
  3. Click Register button and select Single / Multiple Products.

    Note: Pulse Product corresponds to StarTeam Project. Refer to Pulse User Guide (ST_Pulse_Help_en.pdf) for more information.

  4. Select StarTeam repository
  5. Select StarTeam project / projects for which you want to enable Pulse Code Review capability and save.

Now you are fully set to use code review capability.

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Single Sign On (SSO) and Multifactor Authentication (MFA) capabilities

StarTeam Clients and the Server now support SSO and MFA capabilities. For details, see Single Sign-on/Multi-factor authentication.

MFA capabilities are offered by OpenText Advanced Authentication server

StarTeam uses Advanced Authentication server to provide MFA capabilities (https://www.netiq.com/documentation/advanced-authentication). Customers interested in MFA capabilities should contact the customer care on how to install and license this product.

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GIT Pull Request

StarTeam GIT Client now supports GIT Pull request capabilities. Refer to StarTeam online help at https://admhelp.microfocus.com/starteam/en/17.1 on how to use GIT pull request capabilities.

Server-Side REST API for StarTeam Server

Server Rest API provides a very powerful way to access server resources. It not only provides visibility, reliability and scalability but also provides a separation between the client and the server. This API provides access to all the server caches and the ability to access any artifact without opening the containers like the view or folder.

Please refer to StarTeam online help at https://admhelp.microfocus.com/starteam/en/17.1

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End of support for StarTeamMPX based Message Brokers

StarTeam 17.1 Server does not support StarTeamMPX based Message Brokers. StarTeam 17.1 will only install ActiveMQ based Message Broker on the default port of 61616. Server will automatically upgrade your configuration files to ActiveMQ at Server Startup. Please ensure that Port 61616 is open before you upgrade to 17.1. To use a different port, please search for “Upgrading to ActiveMQ messaging in version 17.1” in StarTeam online help.

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Change Request stakeholder notification based on status change

Change Request’s default form now support notifications to a set of users whenever status of the CR changes. This feature can be used for either stakeholder notification or providing updates to users interested in the progress of an issue.

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Support for bcc notification

CPC notifications now support bcc functionality.

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Usability enhancements in StarTeam CPC Access Rights menu

CPC Access Rights Menu now allows multi select capabilities while assigning access rights to users and groups.

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Project Search

CPC now supports Project Search functionality in the open project dialog

Timespan Editor control in Starflow extensions

Starflow extensions support TimeSpanEditor control for displaying and setting TimeSpanProperty values

Notification support for Story sponsors

CPC now sends a notification to the user when the user is set as sponsor for a user story

Support for ALM Octane pipeline feature

The ALM Octane Jenkins plugin now supports integration with StarTeam. This feature helps to track changes committed to StarTeam projects from Octane. Requires ST Jenkins plugin or later.

Support for Microsoft Windows Server 2019

StarTeam Server now supports Microsoft Windows Server 2019

Support for MacOS releases High Sierra and Mohave

StarTeam CPC now supports MacOS High Sierra ( Version 10.13) and MacOS Mohave ( Version 10.14)

Support for 4k monitors

StarTeam CPC now supports 4k monitors. To enable 4k support, use the following instructions:

  1. Right click on the CPC shortcut
  2. Select Properties | Compatibility tab
  3. Select "Change high DPI settings" button
  4. Check the "Override high DPI scaling behavior" in the High DPI scaling override section
  5. Select "System" from the drop down
  6. Click OK and apply these settings
  7. Restart your machine