With the StarTeam Git Client, developers can:
- Use the clone command to clone a
StarTeam View as master and selected child views as branches.
Note: The clone command initializes the developers local Git workspace and allows them to issue further commands to interact with the StarTeam View content. User credentials specified during the clone command will be cached and re-used during subsequent fetch, pull, and push commands from the same local repository unless a different username or password is specified during those commands. However, caching of credentials is only available on Microsoft Windows platforms and all commands issued from Linux must specify a username and password.
- Use the fetch and pull commands to update a local Git repository with changes from StarTeam. When you pull changes, each StarTeam Change Package becomes a commit in a local Git repository.
- Use the push command to push changes from a local Git repository into StarTeam Server. Each Git commit becomes a StarTeam Change Package, including the user ID, timestamp, and comment.
- Developers are able to use their preferred Git client tools on a local Git repository while connecting with the centralized StarTeam source code control system using the StarTeam Git Client.
- Enterprises retain what StarTeam offers: rich change management, ALM traceability, Issue/Process enforcement, security, and visibility.