Known Issues

GUI Tools Some of the suggested GUI tools do not provide full output when an error occurs during a command. For full output, please refer to the StarTeam Git Client LOG file located at %APPDATA%\Borland\StarTeam\git-starteam-connector-*.log.
Submodule Synchronization The StarTeam Git Client does not support synchronizing submodules. A submodule is a repository embedded in your main repository.
Empty Folders Git does not allow empty folders. Any empty folders in StarTeam will not be created in the Git repository.
Git Commit IDs and StarTeam Change Package IDs The StarTeam Git Client maintains an internal mapping between Git Commit IDs and StarTeam Change Package IDs . Commands like filter-branch, commit-ammend, squash, and any other similar commands which re-write the commit history in the Git repository, could potentially affect the working of the synchronization between StarTeam and Git.
StarFlow Extensions Project The StarFlow Extensions project cannot be cloned.
Linux Symbolic links are not supported in this release of the StarTeam Git Client.
Floating Behavior Any changes due to Floating behavior in StarTeam files/folders will not be pulled into the Git repository.
Branch support Only immediate StarTeam child views are pulled as Git branches.