
The following are required to use the StarTeam Git Client:

  • StarTeam Server 16.3 +.
  • Git versions supported are 2.13 and 2.14.

    Note: A defect/regression that was introduced in Git version 2.15 results in merge commits being skipped during a push operation. Because of this, the StarTeam Git Client is compatible with Git 2.13 and 2.14, but incompatible with Git 2.15.x, 2.16.x, and 2.17.0. A fix has been submitted to the Git community and will be released in an upcoming Git patch. Please contact Customer Care for the most up-to-date information about Git versions that are compatible with the StarTeam Git Client.

  • The StarTeam project being cloned requires the Create Change Packages on Checkin property to be set to Enforce. This property ensures that any StarTeam client accessing this project performs all file/folder updates contained within a Change Package. Once this property is set, only StarTeam 16.3 + clients are capable of updating the project. The StarTeam Git Client clone command will attempt to automatically set this property, but if the user does not have appropriate access rights to set the property, they will be instructed to contact their StarTeam Server Administrator to set the project property from the StarTeam Cross-Platform Client:


  • Any users using StarTeam clients need to upgrade to the latest 16.3+ clients on the cloned project.