Configure the StarTeam Web Client

This topic describes several configurations for the StarTeam Web Client.

Specifying item details for the StarTeam Web Client

The records in the StarTeam Web Client Item Table display a subset of the item property values defined by the selected filter. Embedded item details can be used to reveal item properties not shown in the Item Table. The default embedded item details for each item type are as follows.

Task Task Name, Notes
Requirement Name, Description
CR Synopsis, Description, Fix
File Description
Topic Title, Description

Administrators can also create custom html details templates and place them in the installation folder in \apache-tomcat-[version]\shared\StarTeam. If a custom HTML details template is found for the current type, that template will be used to render the embedded details. The HTML details template format supported by the StarTeam Web Client is the same format supported by the StarTeam Cross-Platform Client. For details, see StarTeam Cross-Platform Client installation.

The following are the required names for details templates:

  • file.details.html
  • changerequest.details.html
  • requirement.details.html
  • task.details.html
  • topic.details.html

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Creating a custom details template

This section contains a sample of the details template that you can make for any item type viewed from the StarTeam Web Client. This example is for Change Requests.
  1. Create the file changerequest.details.html in the installation folder in \apache-tomcat-[version]\shared\MicroFocusStarTeam\.
  2. Open a text editor.
  3. Type the following code content:
     <td align=left valign=top><b>CR ~~ChangeNumber~~ (~~DotNotation~~): ~~Synopsis~~</b></td> </tr>
    <table border=1> 
      <td width=200 align=center><b>Timestamps</b></td>
      <td width=200 align=center><b>Entered</b></td>   
      <td width=200 align=center><b>Resolved</b></td> 
      <td width=200 align=center><b>LastModified</b></td> 
      <td width=200 align=center><b>Closed</b></td> 
      <td width=200 align=center><b>Verified</b></td> 
      <td width=200 align=right><b>By:</b></td>
      <td width=200 align=left>~~EnteredBy~~</td>
      <td width=200 align=left>~~AddressedBy~~</td>
      <td width=200 align=left>~~ModifiedUserID~~</td>
      <td width=200 align=left>&nbsp;</td>
      <td width=200 align=left>&nbsp;</td>
      <td width=200 align=right><b>Time:</b></td>
      <td width=200 align=left>~~CreatedTime~~</td>
      <td width=200 align=left>~~ResolvedOn~~</td>
      <td width=200 align=left>~~ModifiedTime~~</td>
      <td width=200 align=left>~~ClosedOn~~</td>
      <td width=200 align=left>~~VerifiedOn~~</td>
  4. Save the custom details template file.
  5. Restart StarTeam Web Server.
  6. View the items table for Change Requests.
  7. Expand the details of the Change Request to view the custom details.

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