Configuring Federated Tracing

All cross-server traces can now be stored in a single federated tracing server configuration. This makes them more accessible for clients. The StarTeam Server configuration file, server-config-options.xml, contains a read-only string value named FederatedTraceConfiguration. Its value is the GUID of the configuration that stores all cross server traces on a multi configuration environment.

To configure a Federated Tracing environment:

  1. Select the server to use as the federated server.
  2. Open the server's starteam-server-configs.xml file, and copy the Server-GUID. Create a new entry in the .xml file called FederatedTraceServer and paste the value of the GUID. For example:
    <option name="ServerGuid" value="5dc8dd87-6cac-4bf1-819a-398de19a3d23"/><option name="FederatedTraceServer" value="5dc8dd87-6cac-4bf1-819a-398de19a3d23"/>
  3. For every other server configuration, edit the starteam-server-configs.xml file adding, the option name and value. For example:
    <option name="FederatedTraceServer" value="5dc8dd87-6cac-4bf1-819a-398de19a3d23"/>
  4. To transfer existing traces, start up all the configurations and, as StarTeam Administrator, run the command line script:

    stcmd{Ex} transfer-traces –s “username:password@sourceConfig:sourcePort” –t “username:password @targetConfig:targetPort” 

    If the username and password are the same (for example, in an LDAP environment, then the target user name and password may be omitted). Run this script once for each configuration, targeting the federated trace configuration. The effect is to transfer all cross server traces over to the federated trace configuration.

  5. On each client desktop/laptop, add a new Server entry for the Federated Trace configuration.

    The Description must be the GUID of the Federated Trace Configuration, exactly as specified in its starteam-server-configs.xml file. The address (hostname) and endpoint (port) need to be assigned as usual. Save this entry. Do not attempt to open this connection and launch a view window with an items pane. As a non-administrative user, you are prevented from doing so. As an administrative user, you may at most assign trace access rights to individual projects. (Note that you should not create artifacts of any sort, such as files or change requests in the federated trace configuration).

  6. Users and groups must be provided with access rights to the federated trace configuration. These rights can be granularly distributed on a per project basis (the project in question representing the source and target server configurations whose traces are being captured). The rights must include read and write of traces, and the rights to see the project and its root view.

  7. Launch the StarTeam Cross-Platform Client.

    When you use the client to create new cross server traces or query existing traces, it automatically checks to ensure that you are logged into the Federated Trace configuration. If you are not logged in, you will be prompted with a login dialog box, and a hidden connection will be established for your client (You will not see a StarTeam View Window with Items Pane for the Federated Trace configuration. Evidently, to create a cross server trace, you need both configurations across which you are creating the trace to be open. However, to view cross server traces, it is sufficient that only one configuration be open. Since the traces are stored in the Federated Trace configuration, and you are logged in on demand, they will always be visible from either end point.