Installing the StarTeam Cross-Platform client

This topic describes how to install the StarTeam Cross-Platform client on Windows, Solaris, and Linux platforms.

You may receive an email with URLs for downloading all StarTeam components for your edition. Among those URLs are links to and starteam-integrations.tar.gz(Linux), containing the free-of-charge StarTeam integrations. The StarTeam Synchronizer for HP Quality Center must be purchased separately.

Installing the client - Windows

To install the client on a Windows machine, do the following:

  1. Close all applications.
  2. Navigate to the directory that contains the downloaded files.
  3. Run the downloaded installer.
  4. Select a language from the list, and then click OK.
  5. On the Introduction page, read the information, and click Next.
  6. On the License Agreement page, read the agreement. If you agree with the license agreement, click I accept.... If you do not accept the license agreement, you cannot install the product.
  7. On the Choose Install Set page, choose either Typical, Full, or Custom.

    Typical Installs the StarTeam Cross-Platform Client, its user manuals, its online help, and the StarTeam Toolbar. The StarTeam Toolbar stores logon information making it easier to log on.
    Compact Installs only the StarTeam Cross-Platform Client, its user manuals, and its online help.
    Custom Allows you to select what is installed. This is the only way to install the Server Administration tool to use on a client workstation. When installed as part of the client, you can do only remote server administration.

    If you selected a Custom install set, select or clear the check boxes for the parts you do and do not want

    to install. The custom options are: Application, StarTeam Toolbar, and Server Administration.

    Click Next.

  8. On the Choose Install Folder page, browse for the location to be used as the installation folder.
    The default location is C:\Program Files\Micro Focus\StarTeam Cross-Platform Client <version>.
  9. In the Choose Shortcut Folder dialog box, use the default setting (that is, keep the Other option button set to C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Micro Focus\StarTeam Cross-Platform Client <version>).
  10. On the Pre-installation Summary page, review the settings and click Previous one or more times if you want to change the installation options. Then return to the Pre-installation Summary page, and click Next or Install.
  11. On the Install Complete page, click Done.
    The StarTeam Cross-Platform Client is installed in the specified folder, and the StarTeam_Cross-Platform_Client_<version>_InstallLog.log file in that folder documents what happened during the installation process.

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Installing the client - Linux or Solaris

Note: When using the Universal Installer to install the StarTeam Cross-Platform Client on a non-Microsoft Windows operating system, Zulu OpenJDK 1.8.0_192 must be located on the System path in order to properly install using the provided scripts.

  1. Extract the downloaded Linux or Solaris installation package.
  2. Navigate to the /bin directory where you extracted the files.
  3. Run setup executable. For example ./setup.

    Note: You must specify which Java VM to use when installing on non-Microsoft Windows operating systems since the installers are Java based, and are not bundled with a Java VM. This also applies to StarTeam Server, MPX Event Transmitter, and MPX Cache Agent (for example, server.bin, ca.bin, mpxserver.bin, and mpxservices.bin).

  4. After installation, run the StarTeamCPC executable located in the \bin folder. For example ./StarteamCPC.

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Automating client installations - Windows

On Windows operating systems, a silent install allows you to do multiple client installations at one time. You can run the client installer in a “silent” mode from the command line by adding the -i parameter to the command. Alternatively, you can point to a text file called which includes the directive INSTALLER_UI=silent.

The file can also specify parameters to pass to the installer, such as the destination client installation folder, the root folder for the SDK installation, which components to install, and whether or not a restart is needed.

Performing a Silent Install

Note: It is important to install the StarTeam Cross-Platform Client using a user that is an administrator on the computer.

You can run the client installer in a “silent” mode from the command line with one of the following:

  • The default values for installation options.
  • Values that you set for installation options.

To set your own values for installation options:

  1. Create a text file named to contain the installation options to be set.
  2. Add options and their values to the file. Each installer option is represented by a parameter followed by an equal sign followed by the value for the parameter. Each parameter is on a separate line in the file. The first line must be INSTALLER_UI=silent. Any options from the table that are not specified will use their default values. The following provides other possible silent installation options for the file.

    USER_INSTALL_DIR= Client installation path. The default is C:\\Program Files\\Micro Focus\\StarTeam Cross-Platform Client <version>.
    ST_SDKROOT= SDK installation path. The default is C:\\Program Files\\Micro Focus.
    RESTART_NEEDED=NO Set this value to NO to control reboot after SDK installation.
    USER_REQUESTED_RESTART=NO Set this value to NO to control user message about rebooting after StarTeam Cross-Platform Client installation.
    CHOSEN_INSTALL_SET= Type of installation (Typical or Compact. Custom is not supported for a silent installation). The default is Typical.

    Note: Double backslashes are required in path specifications.

  1. Run the installer downloaded for Microsoft Windows from the command line in one of the following ways:
    • Followed by -I silent (to use the default installation options with no rebooting).
    • Followed by -f path_to_installer.properties_file.
    • Without a parameter if the file exists and is in the same folder as the downloaded installer.

Additional Customization

The Server list and personal option files may be included with silent installations.

These files are located in the local settings of the currently logged on user (for example, C:\Users\User_ID\AppData\Roaming\Borland\StarTeam). Once these files contain the desired values (use a StarTeam Cross-Platform Client to add the servers and set the personal options), copy these files to the same location as the file. Rename these files as shown in the following table.

Original File Name Description Installation File Name
starteam-servers.xml StarTeam Servers at a site. server
starteam-client-options.xml StarTeam personal options. starteam-client-default-options.xml

The starteam-client-options.xml file will be copied to the User local home settings (for example, C:\Users\User_ID\AppData\Roaming\Borland\StarTeam). If the starteam-client-default-options.xml file is included, the installation will overwrite this file if it already exists. This file will be used as a template for future new instances of the starteam-client-options.xml file in the user specific local settings. Existing instances of starteam-client-options.xml will not be overwritten.

The server.xml file will be copied to the installation user’s local settings if the starteamservers.xml does not already exist. The starteam-server.xml file will not be overwritten. This will only affect the server settings of the user who was currently logged on to the computer when the installation occurred.

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Uninstalling the StarTeam Cross-Platform client - Windows

The product uses InstallAnywhere for installing and uninstalling. If you encounter one of the following Java VM errors when uninstalling this product on a Windows machine, you may need to install Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.8.0_161 or earlier from the Java Web site.

Uninstall errors:

  • Can't launch executable. Could not find a suitable Java Virtual machine on your system.
  • Windows error 3 occurred while loading the Java VM.

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