Installing StarTeam Server on Linux

This topic describes the installation process and the server management tool.

Run the installer

Follow these steps to run the installation:

  1. Close all applications.
  2. Navigate to the directory that contains the downloaded files.
  3. Run the downloaded installer by extracting the tar.gz file.
  4. Run the binary file using the command ./server.bin.

    Note: When installing or uninstalling on a non-Windows platform, specify the installed Java VM to use as a parameter when running the installer. This step is necessary because Java VMs for non-Microsoft Windows operating systems are not bundled with the installers. If you experience any difficulties running the ./server.bin command, add the parameter LAX_VM and specify the path to your VM. For example: ./server.bin LAX_VM /usr/java/latest/jre/bin/java.

  5. In the StarTeam Server splash screen, select the appropriate language and click OK.
  6. On the Introduction page, read the information, and click Next.
  7. If the ORACLE_HOME variable is not set in your environment, the Get Oracle Path dialog box will appear. Browse to or type the path to the Oracle client installation and click Next.
  8. On the License Agreement page, read the agreement. If you agree with the license agreement, click I accept.... If you do not accept the license agreement, you cannot install the product.
  9. On the Choose Install Set page, choose either Typical, Full, or Custom.

    Typical Installs StarTeam Server in a typical configuration.
    Compact Installs StarTeam Server with the minimum required options.
    Custom Lets you choose the options to install. Recommended for advanced users.
  10. Click Next.
  11. For a custom installation, select the desired options:

    StarTeam Server If you use the custom installation to install something that was not installed during a previous installation of StarTeam Server, you may choose to clear this check box. For example, suppose that in a previous custom installation, you bypass the installation of PostgreSQL. To add that database now without reinstalling all of the server program files, clear the Server check box.
    StarTeam Toolbar Installs the StarTeam toolbar which remembers passwords so that logging on is easier.
  12. Click Next.
  13. On the Choose Install Folder page, browse for the location to be used as the installation folder.

    The default location is /home/starteam/starteamserver<version>.

  14. Click Next.
  15. On the Pre-installation Summary page, review the settings and click Previous one or more times if you want to change the installation options. Then return to the Pre-installation Summary page, and click Next or Install.
  16. On the Install Complete page, click Done.

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Server Administration tool

Use the Server Administration tool to configure and manage each StarTeam Server machine.

To start the Server Administration tool, run ./ from the installation directory. The shell script sets up the shared library path LD_LIBRARY_PATH before starting the Server Administration tool.

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SELinux configurations

If SELinux is enabled in your system, you might receive a message like the following one when you start either the StarTeam Server or on a MPX Cache Agent, or when you invoke the starteamserver command line:

/root/starteamserver2008/ cannot restore segment prot after reloc: Permission denied

To avoid this problem, set the SELinux Enforcement mechanism to permissive. If this approach is not an option for your organization, run the command chcon -t textrel_shlib_t*.so from each of the following directories:

  • The StarTeam Server installation directory
  • $ORACLE_HOME/lib
  • jrexx/lib/i386/client, where jrexx is the java runtime environment (jre) used by the StarTeam Server installation. If the StarTeam Server installation was performed by a root user, jrexx is installed in the /opt/Micro Focus/ directory. If the StarTeam Server installation was performed by a standard user, jrexx is installed in the home directory of the user.

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