Products included with StarTeam

This topic lists the products included with the various license types, and the supported compilation versions (32-bit or 64-bit).

Enterprise license

The following section lists the StarTeam products that are included with the Enterprise license.

StarTeam Server

A StarTeam Server stores artifacts (files, change requests/defects, tasks, and topics) for StarTeam clients. A server can support one or more server configurations on the same computer. Install StarTeam Server on a computer that is accessible to all users.


Search allows users to perform ad hoc queries across servers and projects. The query results reflect the access rights of the user logged on to Search so information is shared across the organization without compromising security.

Datamart* StarTeam Datamart is a complementary product to the StarTeam Server. StarTeam Datamart uses the StarTeam SDK to communicate with the StarTeam Server to create a reporting database that you can use with popular third party reporting applications such as Crystal Reports and Business Objects (reporting applications are not included with StarTeam Datamart). StarTeam Datamart extracts data from a StarTeam Server and places the data into a relational database, where reporting tools can access it. StarTeam Datamart can extract information from every project, every view in each project, every folder in each view, and every item in each folder, and labels, links, and history for each item. You can restrict extraction of data to a particular project and view or only extract certain tables.

Datamart stores the data in any StarTeam supported database..

The product comes with both an Extractor (for an initial retrieval) and with a Synchronizer to update existing data sets.

MPX Message Broker Pushes information from the StarTeam Server to its clients. Usually an administrator sets up a cloud of Message Brokers to improve server performance for users in diverse geographic locations. One (sometimes two) root Message Brokers are set up for the server, usually on the same computer or in a network-near location.
StarTeam Cross-Platform Client

The StarTeam Cross-Platform Client is the most used client and provides users with access to all of the artifacts on the server. The Cross-Platform Client is a pure Java client that provides support of operating systems where a compatible JRE or JDK are available. As such, Cross-Platform Client is available for the Microsoft Windows, Solaris, and Linux operating systems.

StarTeam Visual Studio Plugin The StarTeam Visual Studio Plugin provides the StarTeam software configuration management capabilities tightly integrated with the Microsoft Visual Studio development environment. Using this integration makes it possible for you to develop applications in the Microsoft Visual Studio environment while simultaneously using the version control, change request, topic, task, and requirement component assets of StarTeam. The integration brings StarTeam main menu commands, context menu commands, and an embedded StarTeam client (providing much of the same look-and-feel as the full-featured Cross-Platform Client) to the Microsoft Visual Studio development environment.
StarTeam Eclipse Plugin StarTeam Edition for Eclipse allows you to share projects on StarTeam Server and projects in the Eclipse workspace, but it is much more than just a version control plug-in. This integration offers project teams a customizable solution providing requirements, task, and change management, defect tracking and threaded discussions tightly integrated within the Eclipse platform.
StarTeam SDK The StarTeam SDK is cross-compiled so that it can be offered both as Java and .NET applications. The full SDK is used by developers to create additional applications that use the StarTeam Server.

Usually, the StarTeam SDK runtime is installed with clients automatically so it can be used by them to access the StarTeam Server. Occasionally, you may need to install the runtime.

StarTeam SCC Integration The StarTeam SCC Integration works with any application that uses the Microsoft Source Code Control (SCC) Application Programming Interface (API). This API, originally designed by Microsoft to allow applications to work with Microsoft Visual SourceSafe, enables you to perform version control operations, such as checking files in and out, using StarTeam as the SCC provider.
StarTeam Quality Center Synchronizer

This product is available with all licenses.

StarTeam Quality Center Synchronizer can ensure that the same data appears in Quality Center and a database used by StarTeam Server. The goal of the synchronization is to provide access to the latest information about defects, whether the defects are being processed from Quality Center or from StarTeam. You can use Quality Center to add defects, and you can use StarTeam to indicate that those defects have been fixed and vice versa. Team members do not need to be aware of where the defect was last processed. The latest data is available at all times, as long as the databases are synchronized frequently.

StarTeam Microsoft Project Integration

Available with all licenses.

The interaction of the StarTeam Microsoft Project Integration and Microsoft Project make the jobs of both project planners and team members easier. Project planners use Microsoft Project to list the tasks that workers must perform. After exporting the tasks to StarTeam, they can gather information about the work accomplished by each team member in StarTeam, rather than communicating individually with each team member.

File Compare/Merge File Compare/Merge is a graphical compare/merge tool delivered with the StarTeam Cross-Platform Client. It enables you to compare a file dynamically with the file in the repository, and manually or automatically merge the content of the two files. File differences are highlighted in the File Compare/Merge panes using a configurable color scheme, and action buttons display in the highlighted areas to simplify the merging process.
View Compare/Merge

View Compare/Merge is a comprehensive tool for comparing and merging views available with the StarTeam Cross-Platform Client. There are two versions of View Compare/Merge:

  • Graphical. View Compare/Merge is a comprehensive tool for comparing and merging views available with the StarTeam Cross-Platform Client.
  • Command-line. Enables batch/shell-directed sessions.

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Enterprise Advantage license

In addition to the products included with StarTeam Enterprise licenses, StarTeam Enterprise Advantage licenses also include the products listed below. The installation instructions for some products are not in this consolidated installation guide, but are located in the respective guide of that product.

MPX Cache Agent

A root MPX Cache Agent monitors the server's repository for file content and object properties. Via Message Broker, the data is pushed to remove MPX Cache Agents that are network-near to members of dispersed teams, improving the speed with which users access the data they need.

StarTeam Extensions

StarTeam Extensions enables clients to take advantage of workflow and custom toolbar applications. The StarTeam Extensions files must be checked into the StarFlow Extensions project on each server configuration. If there is no StarFlow Extensions project, you need to create one.

StarTeam Extensions also provides API documentation and samples.

StarTeam Workflow Designer

Use the StarTeam Workflow Designer to create workflows for specific artifact types (such as change requests/defects) per project or even per view.

Layout Designer

Use Layout Designer to create forms for artifacts, such as change requests. This allows you to put the most important properties on the first tab, etc. With the web client and an Enterprise Advantage server, a Layout Designer form works with workflow. This is not true of the StarTeam Cross-Platform Client where Layout Designer's use is only for form building.

This product is translated into English, French, German, and Japanese.

StarTeam Notification Agent

The StarTeam Notification Agent runs on the same computer as the StarTeam Server (or on a network-near computer) so that it can monitor the server and send notifications set up in your workflow.

StarTeam Web Server and StarTeam Web Client

The StarTeam Web Server makes it possible for users to access the server from their browsers using the StarTeam Web Client. The StarTeam Web Client is an intuitive web-based interface that many simultaneous users can use to connect to one or more StarTeam Servers to access projects and manage items. This product contains a core feature set designed to meet the needs of users responsible for viewing, creating, and editing StarTeam change requests, requirements, tasks, and topics. Browsing files and a limited set of file operations are also available.

Note: You must have a StarTeam user license to use the Web Client.

* Can be purchased separately and added to the Enterprise package.

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Compilation versions

The following table indicates whether each component can run on a 32-bit or 64-bit platform. See each component's System Requirements to see the supported operating systems.

Note: 32-bit StarTeam applications can also be installed and run on a 64-bit operating system.

Application 32-bit 64-bit
StarTeam Server No Yes
MPX Message Broker No Yes
MPX Cache Agent No Yes
StarTeam Cross-Platform Client Yes Yes
StarTeam Web Server No Yes
StarTeam Layout Designer No Yes
StarTeam SDK Yes Yes
StarTeam Workflow Designer No Yes
StarTeam Notification Agent No Yes
Datamart No Yes
StarTeam Visual Studio Plugin Yes No
StarTeam Eclipse Plugin Yes Yes

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